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Gibraltar Immigration

Providing immigration services for entrepreneurs, workers and high net worth individuals and their families for over 80 years, trust Hassans to provide you with the solutions you need, when you need them.

Gibraltar Immigration Lawyers

Gibraltar’s development as an international specialist finance centre, where so many international operators have set up operations, has naturally meant that Gibraltar has long attracted many thousands of people from around the world to work and live here.  Gibraltar has drawn entrepreneurs, executives and workers alike as a result of the huge opportunity Gibraltar’s economy has generated and continues to generate.  In gaming, finance, financial services, cryptocurrency and fintech, Gibraltar is a leader in the creation of strong, well-paying jobs for an economy that relies on a cross-frontier workforce of over 13,000 to keep firing on all cylinders.

As entrepreneurs come to Gibraltar to establish businesses, bringing their families with them, Hassans leads the way in helping these families regularise all matters relevant to moving to and working in Gibraltar.  This includes, among other services, making applications for work permits where required, filing applications for Category 2 or High Executive Possessing Specialist Skills (HEPSS) status, applications for naturalisation and passports, where relevant, and assisting in liaising with all Government departments/utilities and professional services providers accordingly.

Further to Gibraltar’s exit from the European Union on 31 January 2020, Hassans continues to monitor the changes that may come in order to be able to advise its clients accordingly.

We assist companies large and small in relation to all HR matters, a significant component of which relates to immigration issues and we, therefore, have the expertise to understand the best way to tackle such issues in the most effective and efficient manner.  For any queries relating to any of the above services please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team below and we will be delighted to assist you. You can also call us on +350 20079000 or email us at

Gibraltar Immigration Team

Peter Montegriffo KC

Team Leader, Consultant

Vikram Nagrani

Team Leader, Partner
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A full service law firm

With Hassans by your side, you can be sure of the best advice, from the right person for the job, in all areas of legal practice in Gibraltar.

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