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| 2 minutes read

Beyond the Ultimate...Beyond Awesome.

Goodness this was an awesome interview in the truest sense of the word...

Karl Alvarez⁠, Medical Director at Occupational Health Services, wellbeing advocate, charity fundraiser, runner, skydiver and more (if that's even possible) joined ⁠Selwyn Figueras⁠ and ⁠Catherine Knock⁠ in the Hassans' media studio to share his reasoning and motivation in attempting to be the first person EVER to complete all five Beyond The Ultimate - The Global Race Series Ultras within one year.

He is taking on this enormous challenge to raise awareness about mental health and children with special needs, all donations (scroll ⬇ for the JustGiving link) will be shared between local charities ⁠GibSams⁠ and ⁠SNAG⁠ (Special Needs Action Group).

Hassans couldn't be prouder to be sponsoring Karl as he takes on the fourth of five Ultras, heading for Peru today to start the Jungle Ultra in the Manu National Park in Peru on Wednesday 4th June.

Karl completed the Savannah in Kenya in September last year, the Desert in the Namib Desert in November and the Ice Ultra in Sweden in February. He will then tackle the final Ultra in the Tan Shan Mountains at the end of July.

As if that wasn't enough, we also talk to him during this podcast about his mission to improve the wellbeing of the #Gibraltar population, why being "fit" goes way beyond the physical and how working is scientifically proven to be good for your health.

Please take a listen, it's inspiring stuff, and if you can also support Karl, please do so by donating here: 

You can also track him here or follow his progress here or here

We wish you a great race Karl and look forward to welcoming you back in a few weeks.

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