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Keeping It Civil: S1, Ep7 - Eastside (Gibraltar) Reclamation Project.

The development of the reclamation on the Eastside of Gibraltar is of unprecedented scale and complexity in the local context. Anticipated to add circa £3bn of economic value in a variety of mixed use projects over the next 15 years, the deal for the purchase of the land was finalised between TNG Global Realty and the Government of Gibraltar a couple of weeks back.

In this latest episode of Keeping It Civil, Selwyn Figueras speaks to Adrian Olivero, CEO of TNG in Gibraltar, and Ian Felice, Partner at Hassans who has led on the project for TNG over the last few years, to discuss the project.

The complexities involved, some of the detail of the key milestones already achieved and a discussion of the measures taken in the environmental and sustainability context of the project all feature in this episode, with our guests describing what it takes to get a deal like this over the line and how it is expected this systemically important project will impact and benefit the community in Gibraltar.



The Eastside project is anticipated to add circa £3bn of economic value in a variety of mixed use projects over the next 15 years...

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

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