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Amero secures its VASP registration in Gibraltar

Congratulations to Amero (Gibraltar) Limited which has successfully registered with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission (GFSC) as a Virtual Asset Service Provider (VASP) under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2015 (Relevant Financial Business) (Registration) Regulations 2021 (the "RFBR Regulations").

The RFBR Regulations were introduced in Gibraltar last year in full compliance with the FATF’s Recommendations on Virtual Assets. The new registration regime is focused on AML compliance and allows token issuers, such as Amero, to build confidently on solid, compliant foundations.

Amero's Managing Director, Osiris Rodriguez, said, “We are delighted to be registered as a VASP with the GFSC. We believe that Gibraltar is the right jurisdiction for us at this point as a very reputable and crypto friendly jurisdiction”.

Amero’s overall goal is to form a network and ecosystem that will help launch a cryptocurrency exchange aimed at providing a solution to the difficulties that exist in acquiring and selling digital assets in Latin/South America. The firm aims to develop an ecosystem through point of sale (POS) systems for buying and selling cryptocurrencies, as well as any other products and services they intend to provide in the future. The platform’s native token Amero (EMA) will run on the Polygon blockchain network and will be used for goods and services in the Amero Metaverse.

Gibraltar and Hassans continue to lead the way in the crypto space. The ability to undertake a registered token sale from Gibraltar is extremely appealing to founders who want to build their projects in a compliant manner.

Twitter: @aaronpayas
ENS: AaronPYS.eth

"Amero has big ambitions to bring crypto to the masses in Latin America. The have chosen Gibraltar as their base following in the footsteps of other projects which are also targeting the LATAM market. Given that in Gibraltar most of us are bilingual, combined with our legal, regulatory and tax certainty with respect to crypto, Gibraltar is a very compelling option for these projects. We look forward to building with Amero." Aaron Payas, CFA

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