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Fund Structures and Gibraltar’s Fund Renaissance @ Debtwire Direct Lending Forum 2022

James Lasry will be joining the Debtwire Direct Lending Forum 2022 tomorrow afternoon at 16:20 GMT alongside Diala Minott, Partner at Paul Hastings (Europe) LLP, for a fireside chat on Fund Structures and, specifically, Gibraltar’s Fund Renaissance.

The fund market is constantly evolving as demonstrated by the recent changes to fund law over the past two years, including the new Irish Limited Partnership, the UK’s new qualifying asset holding company regime, Luxembourg’s new Securitisation Vehicle regime and the AIFMD 2 proposals. Diala Minott, a Partner at Paul Hastings (Europe) LLP will give a presentation on how these changes impact fund structures and what managers should be aware of as the practical implications become clearer."

James will then join Diala to discuss Gibraltar’s new dual funds regime, making the jurisdiction appealing for a number of funds. As key players in the drafting and implementation of the New Limited Partnership Law, in conjunction with the Government of Gibraltar the pair will do a deep-dive Q&A on the regime, how it works and how funds, particularly crypto funds, can use the regime effectively.

As key players in the drafting and implementation of the New Limited Partnership Law, in conjunction with the Government of Gibraltar the pair will do a deep-dive Q&A on the regime, how it works and how funds, particularly crypto funds, can use the regime effectively.

More info on how to register can be found below. 

...James Lasry, Partner and Head of Funds at Hassans International Law Firm [will] discuss Gibraltar’s new dual funds regime, making the jurisdiction appealing for a number of funds.

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