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Gala Dinner for International Women's Day 2022 - The Ladies that Rock the Rock.

I had the pleasure of attending the International Women's Day Gala Dinner at the Sunborn Hotel yesterday evening with colleagues and clients of Hassans and was truly inspired by the talented and diverse women showcased in the organiser's new book, 'The Ladies that Rock the Rock'. 

The panel discussion involved three of the women featured in the book, covering issues along the lines of this year's International Women's Day theme of #breakthebias as well as how success is defined and the impact of Covid-19 on gender equality. 

Should we continue to define success in terms of positions of power / financial success? Perhaps success from a woman's perspective is defined differently to include, freedom, achievement, opportunity and/or balance.

Has the pandemic opened doors for women in industries where presenteeism was a barrier for women which allowed them to work from home / more flexibly around caregiving responsibilities? Or has it set the gender equality agenda back even further as women were burdened with an even greater share of the domestic responsibility including home schooling in addition to their work, while men were spending even more hours working towards their professional goals?

It was brilliant to hear Minister Samantha Sacramento challenge us all to analyse what we each can do to further diversity and gender equality in Gibraltar. I look forward to continuing to have these important conversations during the year.

Should we continue to define success in terms of positions of power / financial success? Perhaps success from a woman's perspective is defined differently to include, freedom, achievement, opportunity and/or balance.

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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