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Crypto funds outperformed traditional hedge funds in 2021

Properly structured and well managed crypto funds remain a strong investment opportunity. According to data from HFR, crypto funds had the upper hand vis-a-vis traditional hedge funds in 2021.

This is encouraging given that it was not a steady bull run in the crypto market with Bitcoin surpassing the $60k mark twice but ending the year at $47k. It was also a year dominated by a lot of hype around NFTs and the metaverses which generally would not form part of a crypto fund’s portfolio (some of those that have focused on NFTs and play-to-earn game projects have done extremely well).

We look forward to 2022 with great optimism in this space.

Gibraltar’s Experienced Investor Fund regime is an ideal vehicle for crypto funds, get in touch for more information.

In aggregate, hedge funds delivered returns in 2021 that lagged behind the broader market...Crypto funds held up better, according to data from HFR.

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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