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CEX.IO launches CEX.IO LOAN following approval from Gibraltar authorities.

Hassans' Partner Anthony Provasoli has advised CEX.IO on the launch of a new service which enables customers to borrow funds against their crypto holdings via a licensed lending service.



Anton Chashchin, Commercial Director for the CEX.IO LOAN service, said:

"Our new service makes cryptocurrency-backed loans accessible for participants of the digital asset market who require extra capital. With the new Moneylending license, CEX.IO LOAN can accomplish this goal, and we are delighted that Gibraltar’s regulators and Government have shown their support for our LOAN service."

Anthony added:

"It has been a pleasure for us to assist CEX.IO Limited in their expansion plans from a legal and regulatory perspective, which, thanks to the professionalism of all involved, has been a seamless task.”

The Hassans' team also included Roy Balestrino and Omri Bouton


“The crypto industry in Gibraltar has been growing substantially since we put the DLT Regulations in place. Given the pace at which the industry is evolving, it is no surprise that firms such as CEX.IO Limited are expanding their offering. It has been a pleasure for us to assist CEX.IO Limited in their expansion plans from a legal and regulatory perspective, which, thanks to the professionalism of all involved, has been a seamless task,”

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