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Hassans' clients recognised in Gibraltar Heritage Awards 2020

Hassans acts for a number of landlords and developers in the refurbishment and redevelopment of existing buildings in Gibraltar. We have noticed a growing trend that there is a keen interest in developing old, derelict and abandoned buildings within Gibraltar’s City Walls and Gibraltar’s Old Town by developers who at the same time painstakingly aim to preserve architectural features which form a part of Gibraltar’s distinct heritage, character and history.

We are pleased that a number of Hassans’ clients have been recipients of this year’s Heritage Awards for their outstanding contribution in recognition of their efforts to preserve Gibraltar’s heritage by the Hon Prof John Cortes, Minister for Heritage alongside Ian Balestrino, Chairman of Gibraltar Heritage Trust. Our clients took steps to preserve the unique architectural heritage in the heart of Gibraltar demonstrating sensitivity in the refurbishment, redevelopment and extension by restoring and maintaining unique historical features inside and outside of their buildings.

Hassans is pleased to have advised its clients in successfully completing these challenging development, refurbishment and construction projects and it is wonderful to see the efforts of our clients being recognised in this way.

From a legal perspective, there are a number of issues developers need to consider when wishing to embark on such projects, in addition to the design, architectural and heritage considerations. These include – town planning, public health, environmental including conservation, obtaining vacant possession, building lease matters and consents, financing and security, procurement, freehold/leasehold title considerations etc. 

If you’re interested in pursuing a project of this nature, we would be happy to assist you navigate through these challenges so please do not hesitate to get in touch.

10 awards have presented this year for outstanding  contributions towards Gibraltar's Heritage.

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