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Corporate Restructure - how can we help you?

Big players in every industry are continually having to adapt to the ever evolving landscape (be it Brexit, economic substance rules, BEPS, Covid-19 etc) to ensure the longevity and success of their businesses. Here we see Unilever streamlining their Group legal structure to be held under a single parent company via the merger of its Dutch NV and UK plc. 

We have seen that groups that have a Gibraltar nexus have also in part followed the Unilever approach to streamline their legal structure and we have been able to assist them in a number of ways which include, but are not limited to

  • merging entities within the corporate structure (pursuant to either the Companies (Cross-Border Mergers) Regulations 2010 in Gibraltar - following from the Directive (EU) 2017/1132 of the European Parliament and of the Counsel of 14 June 2017 or under the Gibraltar Companies Act 2014 for schemes of arrangement)
  • redomiciliations of group entities in or out of Gibraltar (pursuant to the Companies (Re-Domicilation) Regulations 1996) 
  • liquidations, repatriation/re-charactisation/contribution/sale of both equity and debt.

Gibraltar offers a flexible and timely business environment for groups wanting to restructure (be it those with existing interest in Gibraltar or those looking for possible alternatives to establish) and we offer a full spectrum of services to assist with the same. 

It is also clear that the Covid-19 pandemic will create a business environment in which having as much flexibility and responsiveness as possible will be critically important.

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