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Hassans advises Canadian fund, The Bitcoin Fund, on its listing to the Gibraltar Stock Exchange.

The Gibraltar Stock Exchange, a subsidiary of the Global Stock Exchange (GSX) Group, has today announced the listing of 3iQ’s The Bitcoin Fund, debuting one of the world’s first regulated and exchange-traded bitcoin funds on a European regulated exchange.

3iQ is one of the leading Canadian investment fund managers focused on investing in disruptive technologies and digital assets. Having previously been approved by the Ontario Securities Commission and listed and traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange – a top 10 global exchange –  The Bitcoin Fund is designed to provide investors with institutional level access to Bitcoin without the burden of buying and safekeeping coins, while unearthing unique opportunities for long-term capital appreciation. Leading crypto platform Gemini is fulfilling the custodian functions of bitcoin held in the fund. 

It has been a pleasure for me and my team to work together with the GSX to advise on, and prepare the documentation for, the listing. 3iQ’s listing on the Gibraltar Stock Exchange provides demonstrable evidence that despite the challenges disruptors can expect to face, Gibraltar continues to punch above its weight in the context of the crypto and wider DLT space. In Gibraltar, we continue to push the envelope, offering enterprises the solutions and the service that they need to meet today’s market demands. It is exciting to be involved at the vanguard of these developments and it has been a pleasure to work with the team at 3iQ and GSX in making this a reality.

“Finally, sovereign wealth funds, pension funds, and the many reputable financial institutions that are restricted to buying licenced, regulated, major exchange-listed products, now have access to the world’s only regulated, exchange-traded in Canada, publicly listed bitcoin fund. Being listed on the Gibraltar Stock Exchange extends the reach of the The Bitcoin Fund within the burgeoning European digital assets market, and continues the groundswell of momentum that has defined 3iQ’s exciting progress during the first half of 2020.” - Fred Pye, President and CEO of 3iQ

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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