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GFSC publishes updated DLT guidance notes

In alignment with the Financial Services Act 2019, the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission has published updated Guidance Notes to provide further information to firms and expands the GFSC's existing expectations of DLT providers in accordance with the GFSC's regulatory objectives of promoting market confidence, reducing systemic risk, promoting public awareness, protecting the good reputation of Gibraltar, protecting consumers and reducing financial crime.

The Hassans FinTech team, through its membership with the Gibraltar Association of New Technologies (GANT), assisted the GFSC and HM Government of Gibraltar with updating  the Guidance Notes. 

If you are have any questions about the updated Guidance Notes please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

My team and HM Government of Gibraltar have worked hard over the last few months hand in hand with industry, encouraging feedback where appropriate and we believe we have achieved a clear and helpful update benefitting both DLT providers and consumers. - William Gracia, GFSC

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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