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Global M&A 2020

M&A activity (like everything and everyone else at present) lives under the continuing threat and impact of COVID-19. 

The underlying Financier Worldwide article (from which the below quote is taken), also reflects on various other factors affecting the M&A space (including geo-political disputes, the rise of protectionism and isolationism, and an increasingly complex and rapidly changing international tax landscape).

It also identifies and offers insightful commentary on certain aspects which may well drive the M&A sector for the remainder of 2020 such as:

  • the likely availability of distressed assets
  • opportunistic investment 
  • the advantageous position of PE funds in an environment where cash certainly is 'King’
  • the expected appetite for divestitures in advance of any market corrections 
  • the flourishing trade of certain largely technological industries stemming from the coronavirus crisis.

Notwithstanding the uncertainty of the present (and bleak predictions for global M&A in the short to medium term), there shall always be activity and change, and in a multinational world in the throes of likely recession, and where substantive economic function, and risk and reputational management are becoming ever more crucial, jurisdictions affording the stability and advantage of a clear, compliant, respected, efficient, dynamic and value-for-money proposition will no doubt be well-placed to assist those in need.   

Global M&A had another strong showing in 2019... Last year’s activity raised expectations for 2020... Yet despite these optimistic outlooks, more subdued forecasts proved correct in the first quarter of the year.

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