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Stock Markets: A Shareholder's Watchdog over Corporate Management

A classic theme of corporate governance is the expectation that all institutional investors engage with the management of large public corporations. The intention is that shareholders, whether through their long - or short - term holdings, are able to become stewards in the companies they invest in, and in turn permit corporate management to pursue other stakeholder interests (in addition, or incidental to, those of the shareholders'), which may include aspects such as the sustainability of renewable energy in the motor industry.

Nevertheless, the mechanics of equity markets continue to perform a watchdog function for passive investors, which may unintentionally discourage any form of meaningful and active investor engagement. The principles of accountability and disclosure, together with the operation of a fair market in order to ensure the accuracy of corporations' share prices, continue to collectively act as a catalyst for effective oversight of corporate management. Through simple share price vigilance, shareholders can monitor and judge corporate management performance without necessarily engaging in any effective stewardship role within their corporations, and consequently enhancing shareholder value as a priority over other global stakeholder initiatives.

Aston Martin is sacking its chief executive, Andy Palmer, following a 98% collapse in the luxury car company’s share price since it floated on the stock market less than two years ago.

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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