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Tax matters: immune to lockdown

Since Gibraltar went into lockdown, Grahame Jackson, Tax Partner at Hassans, has moved his regular training sessions from the conference room to online. 

Whilst working from home, Grahame is taking the opportunity to run a series of four lectures for Hassans’ lawyers via Zoom. Relevant lawyers and staff, whether working from home or maintaining an essential skeleton office presence (whilst adhering to the social distancing regulations), are able to join from their work stations. 

The sessions cover the provisions which were introduced in the last 2 years as a result of the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive, specifically the Exit Tax, the Hybrid Mismatch Rules, the Interest Limitation Rule and the Controlled Foreign Companies Rules.

Grahame commented: 

Whilst this is never a scenario anyone would wish for, it’s important to harness opportunity out of adversity; the requirement to mobilise the vast majority of our staff in a short space of time, to ensure business continuity, has had the added benefit that all employees are now even better equipped to service our client base no matter where we are, even when our lives return to “normal”, and that can only be a positive. 

The ability to work remotely, and with the technology thankfully available to us, ensures our lawyers continue to be trained to the highest possible level, and kept up-to-date on all new developments, directives or legislation; tax matters touch everything and it is vital that our lawyers are fully versed on current or new provisions that may affect our clients.” 

If any client, or other organisation, is interested in Grahame delivering similar online sessions to your employees on the new tax provisions, or in relation to tax matters generally, please contact us and we would be happy to assist.

“The last 12 months have seen radical change in the Gibraltar tax landscape; from the Spanish Agreement to the UK Double Tax Agreement and this latest batch of provisions introduced by the HM GoG. Gibraltar continues to be a leading and internationally compliant finance centre and an understanding of these provisions is vital for that status to continue."

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