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Hassans maintains a 19-year running streak as leading law firm in Gibraltar in Chambers and Partners.

Hassans continues to be considered at the top of its game by both local and international clients according to rankings announced today by the globally renowned legal directory, Chambers Global.

As a top ranked firm, Hassans has also been pleased to be asked this year to contribute overviews on Gibraltar and its business environment, providing global businesses and in-house counsel with a definitive insight into the jurisdiction.

Chambers and Partners arrive at their rankings through collecting feedback and recommendations from both clients and peers of law and advisory firms, locally and internationally, and analysing the complexity and profile of the work that the firms are doing. The full Chambers Global results can be seen here.

Hassans’ Senior Partner James Levy QC CBE has once again been listed as the only Star Individual in Gibraltar with clients stating he is “very respected" and “recognised worldwide as a star." 

The following Partners have further been acknowledged as leading individuals within Gibraltar.

Lewis Baglietto QC

- notable experience representing clients in commercial and public law litigation. He also assists with maritime law disputes.

Michael Castiel

- particular experience in tax law, including aspects of state aid. Castiel also assists international clients with corporate restructuring matters and cross-border mergers.

Peter Montegriffo QCleading figure in the gaming industry…a real expert in the sector""very responsive and happy to help." He assists with licence applications and corporate restructurings. Peter has also been listed for the fifth consecutive year as a Band 1 global leader in Gaming & Gambling, alongside just 15 other lawyers from around the globe who have been specifically recognised at this level for their work within the industry internationally.

Vikram Nagrani"accessible, quickly understands your issues and answers quickly."

– enters the top band this year following impressive activity in both corporate and financing mandates. Clients enthuse that Nagrani is

Nigel Feetham QC"able to provide detailed expert advice quickly." Has particular experience in financial regulatory matters and redomiciliations.”

Ian Felice

– assists clients from the financial sector with acquisitions.

James Lasry

– “leads the firm's investment funds practice and advises on financial law matters.”

Gillian Guzman QC

– “represents clients in a range of civil and criminal disputes.”

Valerie Holliday

– “a particular focus on regulatory matters within the banking sector.”

Isaac Levy

– “advises clients on double tax treaties and acts for banks on development project financing mandates.”

Tim Garcia

– “particular experience in tax legislation, also advising clients on state aid issues and company migrations.”

Gemma Vasquez

– “acts for clients on real estate and corporate law matters.”

The rankings announced today are in relation to the main General Business Law area of practice that Chambers researches in Gibraltar, as distinct from the Fintech rankings published late last year. In the fintech rankings, Anthony Provasoli, Vikram Nagrani and Aaron Payas were also listed as leading lawyers in that specific field.  Anthony Provasoli was described as having "built a stellar reputation for his expertise in handling a variety of issues in the FinTech sector" as well as a "top-notch, experienced professional" and "a leader who goes to great lengths to ensure that client service is maintained", Vikram Nagrani was described as “a highly respected voice in the Gibraltarian FinTech community,…super intelligent, very high level, and very sought after for his expertise at the government level”. In the fintech ranking, Aaron Payas was noted for being “popular with clients as an expert adviser" and "an entrepreneur at heart - really passionate, enthusiastic and extremely knowledgeable".

Javier Chincotta, Managing Partner, commented:

“Our congratulations to all of our leading lawyers listed this year and our sincerest thanks to our clients and peers who continue to entrust us. During what has been a difficult year for all, credit must go to the whole Hassans’ legal team and support staff who have continued to work hard to ensure that our client service is consistently high. We’re very pleased that our work has been recognised by Chambers once again this year.

(L-R Clockwise) Peter Montegriffo QC, Gemma Vasquez, Nigel Feetham QC, James Levy QC CBE, Tim Garcia, Valerie Holliday, Vikram Nagrani, Gillian Guzman QC, Ian Felice, Isaac Levy, James Lasry, Lewis Baglietto QC, Michael Castiel.

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