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Gilbert Licudi QC Awarded Honorary Doctorate

Hassans International Law Firm Limited has today congratulated the Hon Gilbert Licudi QC on the receipt of an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Gibraltar at its first graduation ceremony on 5 December 2020.

Mr Licudi was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of the University (honoris causa) “in recognition of the extraordinary contribution to the inception, development and future of the University.” During his acceptance speech at the graduation ceremony, Mr Licudi said that the award was a recognition of the efforts of all who participated in the project to establish the University and worked so hard to achieve this. He congratulated the University for already having made its mark both locally and internationally as an institution of excellence in teaching, learning and research.

Elected to the Gibraltar Parliament in 2007, he became a member of the Government following elections in 2011. Between 2011 and 2020, Gilbert held ministerial office with responsibility, at different times, for Financial Services, Gaming, Education, Justice, Telecommunications, Tourism, Port and Maritime Services and Employment.

During his time in Government, Gilbert was responsible for the establishment of the University of Gibraltar in 2015.  Gilbert returned to private practice at Hassans in August 2020 and continues to be a Member of the Gibraltar Parliament.

He specialises in litigation with a practice which includes advising and representing clients in Commercial, Employment and Trust cases as well as in Sports Law. He is also an Overseas Member of 9 Stone Buildings, one of the oldest Chancery sets in London.

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