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Hassans’ partner Nigel Feetham appointed Queen’s Counsel

Nigel Feetham, Partner of Hassans, was appointed to the rank of Queen’s Counsel on Friday 5th April 2019. The appointment brings the total of QCs within Hassans to 8, the highest amongst all law firm within Gibraltar.

The appointment was made by the His Excellency The Governor of Gibraltar, Lieutenant General Edwards Davis, who stated:

“Congratulations to Nigel Feetham and Christian Rocca in attracting such a distinguished stature in the practice of law. This appointment is in recognition of the highest standard of personal professional integrity and competence.”

Nigel Feetham’s career began in 1993 having graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University (LLB) and Manchester Victoria University (LLM). He was called to the Bar in 1993 and became a partner of Hassans in 1999. Nigel was appointed a Visiting Professor at Nottingham Law School, Nottingham Trent University from 1 March 2011 for a period of six years. Nigel was also a former member of the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission.

During his extensive career, Nigel has set up innovative structures for insurance operations and advised the Government of Gibraltar on ways of implementing specific insurance-related legislation (e.g. protected cell company laws).

He is considered a market leader in Gibraltar on ‘insurance passporting’ and the structuring of insurance companies. He is also widely recognised internationally as an expert and pioneer in the field of Protected Cell Companies, and a driving force behind the growth of the insurance market in Gibraltar.

Javier Chincotta

, Hassans’ Managing Partner, concludes:

“Nigel is rightly considered, by both his peers and independent sources, to be a leading figure in the financial community having played a major part in some of the most significant developments in the Gibraltar finance sector.

 Nigel’s outstanding contribution to the cell captive and insurance industry (both in Gibraltar and internationally) has been recognised in six major law firm awards and nominations as well as being ranked as leading lawyer by both Chambers and Partners and within Legal 500’s Hall of Fame. Nigel is also an author and co-author of numerous books including Protected Cell Companies: “Protected cell companies: a guide to implementation and use, which was cited with approval in a decision of the US Federal Court of Montana, and frequently writes insightful material, industry related and historical, both of which attract an impressive following on social media.

The Partners and staff of Hassans all congratulate Nigel on his appointment, and we also extend our congratulations to fellow appointee, Christian Rocca, Director of Public Prosecutions.”

The aforementioned awards in reverse chronological order are:

  • Winner of the European and UK Captive Law Firm of the Year in November 2018
  • Highly commended at the Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Award Europe in October 2018
  • Highly Commended in the European & UK Captive Awards in October 2017
  • Winner of Law Firm of the Year at the European Captive Services Awards in November 2016
  • Winner of the Offshore Law Firm of the Year award in the Captive Services Awards in February 2016
  • Highly Commended at the Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards Europe in October 2016


You can follow Nigel on LinkedIn or on Twitter 

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