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Hassans launches Environmental Team and Environment Policy on World Environment Day

To mark UN World Environment Day 2019 on 5th June, Hassans has announced the formal establishment of a specialised legal team providing advice and assistance on a range of environmental legal issues.

Partners Vikram Nagrani, Gemma Vasquez and Maxi Torres, and Associate Tania Rahmany have developed a range of experience in all aspects of environmental work, including assisting with the drafting of environment and climate change legislation, reviewing the environmental aspects of legal documents relating to planning and construction, and facilitating the trading of green assets internationally.

In light of the urgency to mitigate climate change, legislation and regulation will increasingly impose compliance duties on businesses. The Hassans’ Environmental Team can advise on compliance with policy changes whether in a transactional context or generally during a business’ ongoing operations.

To ensure its own contribution to reducing damage to the environment, Hassans have also published an Environmental Policy, committing to reducing waste, improving energy efficiency and raising awareness amongst its workforce and in the community of the measures that can be taken to work more sustainably.

Minister for Education, Heritage, Environment, Energy, and Climate Change, the Hon Dr John Cortes MP, welcomed initiatives taken by the private sector aimed at protecting the planet. He commented:

“I want to thank Hassans and congratulate them in embracing the need for businesses to respond to the needs of the Planet and to show how the private sector can lead in sustainability and environmental governance.  I am certain that many other businesses will also step up to the mark.  The world is changing, we are in a climate and environmental emergency, and environmental credentials will be vital in all businesses that wish to remain successful.”

Javier Chincotta, Managing Partner of Hassans added:

“We have been engaged on improving efficiencies throughout our business operations for some time and continue to do so. Our new building in Midtown has obtained a high energy efficiency rating, and we look forward to our new Policy providing a more structured framework for us to set and achieve targets to reduce or mitigate our Group’s environmental impact.”

The Environmental Policy can be accessed here.

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