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Hassans shortlisted in the Financial Times Innovative Lawyers Awards 2016

Hassans has been shortlisted for the 2016 FT Innovative Lawyers Awards. Published by the Financial Times and now in its eleventh year of publication, the FT Innovative Lawyers Report has become one of the top legal rankings in Europe and the accompanying awards are widely regarded as the best researched in the market.

FT Innovative Lawyers is a unique programme that assesses lawyers on their innovation both for clients and in their own businesses. The programme consists of rankings and awards, based on independent research from RSG Consulting, a specialist legal market research company, and robust journalism from the FT.

No entry appears in the FT report or awards shortlists without thorough research and analysis including robust client, independent, and expert references.

The results are announced at an awards event and the rankings are published in print and online in an FT special report.

Javier Chincotta Managing Partner said: “We are delighted to be short-listed for an award by such a prestigious institution as the Financial Times. This follows the recent prestigious award at the Captive Services Awards where we won ‘Offshore Law Firm 2016’. A particular strength of Hassans is our market leading position in the use of innovative structures for Protected Cell Companies. Through his thought-leadership at an international level, Nigel has become a leading voice on the subject of Protected Cell Companies around the world. Last year his co-authored book “Protected Cell Companies: a Guide to their Implementation and Use” (Spiramus Press, 2nd edition, 2010, Feetham and Jones), the leading reference book on the subject of PCCs, was cited by the US Federal Court of Montana in PAC RE 5-AT v. AMTRUST NORTH AMERICA, INC., No. CV-14-131-BLG-CSO (D. Mont. May 13, 2015).”

Nigel Feetham partner of Hassans said: “The FT Innovative Lawyers nomination is once again recognition for our hard work and demonstrates that being a law firm in a small European jurisdiction is no barrier to achieving international recognition in the field of legal innovation. Over the years we have also acquired a deep understanding of the markets our insurance clients operate in and this has helped us become a centre of knowledge development.”

The final results will be announced at the awards ceremony at the Natural History Museum in London on 5 October 2016.

The shortlist for the awards include Magic Circle firms and many other top international law firms.

To view the full list of shortlisted law firms please click here:


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