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Hassans continues pledge to support Calpe House GA

Hassans have renewed their commitment to support the excellent work of Calpe House GA, pledging £10,000 per annum for the next three years.

Hassans has supported Calpe House GA since inception, and first agreed a sustained commitment in 2017 to provide annual financial support to help meet the costs of building and furnishing three adjoining properties, providing 38 ensuite rooms, large common rooms and kitchens to meet the ever-increasing demand for accommodation for sponsored patients.

Albert Poggio OBE GMH, Chairman of Calpe House and James Noguera, an Associate at Hassans and a Director at Calpe House GA, received the cheque from Javier Chincotta, Managing Partner, Hassans.

Albert Poggio OBE GMH, for and on behalf of Calpe House GA, commented:

 “On behalf of Calpe House GA, we would like to express our sincerest gratitude to Hassans for their continued support. Since Hassans’ initial pledge in 2017, Calpe House GA has officially relocated to its new home in Norfolk Square, where we have since August 2018 tripled our capacity and offering to sponsored patients undergoing treatment in London.

Most recently, Calpe House GA was awarded both the Gibraltar Award and Mayor’s Award for its dedication, empathy and support in the services offered to Gibraltarians in their time of need over the last 30 years. The continued success of Calpe House GA is dependent on the consistent stream of generosity demonstrated by corporate sponsors such as Hassans. This, together with the exceptionally committed and professional service offered by its staff, allows Calpe House GA to go from strength to strength, and continue living up to its promise of providing a comfortable and emotionally supportive environment for the people of Gibraltar.”

James Levy CBE QC, Senior Partner, Hassans, added:

“The ‘home away from home’ provided by Calpe HouseGA for Gibraltarian patients and their families when they most need it is of immeasurable comfort. We are very pleased to be able to continue to support this worthy cause which has helped, and shall continue helping, so many fellow Gibraltarians, during some of the hardest challenges, for many years to come.”



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