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20 years at the top of the table in Chambers and Partners Global

Hassans is today celebrating 20 years of being ranked in the top tier of Chambers and Partners, one of the world’s leading legal directories which ranks lawyers based purely on client feedback.

The firm has 17 lawyers listed across the Chambers’ series. This year Michael Castiel, one of Hassans’ most senior lawyers, has been recognised as Gibraltar’s only Senior Statesperson in General Business Law, one of the highest rankings available (“pivotal to the firm’s success”) with clients stating “if you have a particularly knotty point he will be involved.” James Levy CBE QC is also the only lawyer in the jurisdiction to retain Star Individual status (“long considered a star individual in the Gibraltar legal market“) and Nicholas Howard enters the rankings as Head of the firm’s Real Estate practice (“he knows the local property legislation inside out“).

Michael, James and Nicholas are further joined by Nigel Feetham QC who moves up to the top tier of the rankings in recognition of his reputation as one of the best insurance sector specialists in Gibraltar (“his specialisation is insurance, and he is absolutely cracking in that area…there is a kind of authority and gravitas in what he says”), Peter Montegriffo QC (“outstanding, practical adviser…he sees through the noise and gets on with things”), Vikram Nagrani (“it seems like, whatever we want to do, he always has a good grasp of the legislation…he always gives good options and advice on what possibilities you have”), Ian Felice (“approachable and pragmatic, and in negotiations he is definitely a person who contributes to reaching a deal that is sensible for both parties”), James Lasry (“stands out for his policy drafting work on behalf of the Gibraltar government”), Valerie Holliday (“when I need legal assistance in working with the regulator, Valerie Holliday is one of my top choices”), Anthony Provasoli (“a key figure…recognised among market commentators as an active contributor to developments within the fintech sector”), Isaac Levy (“assisting public sector clients as borrowers with high-value lending mandates and advising corporate clients on restructurings”) and Tim Garcia (“advises on international tax issues arising from the redomiciling or liquidation of multinational corporates”) with Lewis Baglietto KC (“well-respected and trusted…he will always go the extra mile for anything you need”), Daniel Feetham QC (“he has a fantastic intellect…is extremely bright and comes up with out-of-the-box ideas”) and Gillian Guzman QC (“down to earth and approachable…a strong and compassionate advocate with a very clear understanding of the law…proactive, responsive and on top of matters”) listed as leading lawyers in General Business Law: Dispute Resolution. Lewis Baglietto QC is also listed in the spotlight table for Shipping.

As a top ranked firm, Hassans has also been pleased to be once again contribute overviews on Gibraltar and its business environment, providing global businesses and in-house counsel with a definitive insight into the jurisdiction.

Chambers and Partners arrive at their rankings through collecting feedback and recommendations from both clients and peers of law and advisory firms, locally and internationally, and analysing the complexity and profile of the work that the firms are doing. The full Chambers Global results can be seen here.

Our congratulations to all lawyers listed this year and our thanks to our clients who year on year provide their feedback on the firm’s service, which we strive to ensure is always of the highest quality.

Hassans is today celebrating 20 years of being ranked in the top tier of Chambers and  Partners, one of the world’s leading legal directories which ranks lawyers based purely on client feedback.

The firm has 17 lawyers listed across the Chambers’ series. This year Michael Castiel, one of Hassans’ most senior lawyers, has been recognised as Gibraltar’s only Senior Statesperson in General Business Law, one of the highest rankings available (“pivotal to the firm’s success”) with clients stating “if you have a particularly knotty point he will be involved.” James Levy CBE QC is also the only lawyer in the jurisdiction to retain Star Individual status (“long considered a star individual in the Gibraltar legal market“) and Nicholas Howard enters the rankings as Head of the firm’s Real Estate practice (“he knows the local property legislation inside out“).

Michael, James and Nicholas are further joined by Nigel Feetham QC who moves up to the top tier of the rankings in recognition of his reputation as one of the best insurance sector specialists in Gibraltar (“his specialisation is insurance, and he is absolutely cracking in that area…there is a kind of authority and gravitas in what he says”), Peter Montegriffo QC (“outstanding, practical adviser…he sees through the noise and gets on with things”), Vikram Nagrani (“it seems like, whatever we want to do, he always has a good grasp of the legislation…he always gives good options and advice on what possibilities you have”), Ian Felice (“approachable and pragmatic, and in negotiations he is definitely a person who contributes to reaching a deal that is sensible for both parties”), James Lasry (“stands out for his policy drafting work on behalf of the Gibraltar government”), Valerie Holliday (“when I need legal assistance in working with the regulator, Valerie Holliday is one of my top choices”), Anthony Provasoli (“a key figure…recognised among market commentators as an active contributor to developments within the fintech sector”), Isaac Levy (“assisting public sector clients as borrowers with high-value lending mandates and advising corporate clients on restructurings”) and Tim Garcia (“advises on international tax issues arising from the redomiciling or liquidation of multinational corporates”) with Lewis Baglietto KC (“well-respected and trusted…he will always go the extra mile for anything you need”), Daniel Feetham QC (“he has a fantastic intellect…is extremely bright and comes up with out-of-the-box ideas”) and Gillian Guzman QC (“down to earth and approachable…a strong and compassionate advocate with a very clear understanding of the law…proactive, responsive and on top of matters”) listed as leading lawyers in General Business Law: Dispute Resolution. Lewis Baglietto QC is also listed in the spotlight table for Shipping.

As a top ranked firm, Hassans has also been pleased to be once again contribute overviews on Gibraltar and its business environment, providing global businesses and in-house counsel with a definitive insight into the jurisdiction.

Chambers and Partners arrive at their rankings through collecting feedback and recommendations from both clients and peers of law and advisory firms, locally and internationally, and analysing the complexity and profile of the work that the firms are doing. The full Chambers Global results can be seen here.

Our congratulations to all lawyers listed this year and our thanks to our clients who year on year provide their feedback on the firm’s service, which we strive to ensure is always of the highest quality.

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