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David Dumas QC presented Gibraltar’s Duke of Edinburgh Full Operational Licence

David Dumas QC, Partner of Hassans and National Chairman of the Duke of Edinburgh International Award Gibraltar, attended the Duke of Edinburgh International Forum in Canada in the final quarter of last year and collected, on behalf of Gibraltar, a Full Operational Licence from the Earl of Wessex. Hassans has been a strong supporter and sponsor of the Award in Gibraltar since 1996.

The Forum attracted representatives from 60 countries to discuss Award developments in their respective countries and key factors which would shape further development of the Award over the next 10 years.

The Forum, which meets once every three years, was of particular significance on this occasion for Gibraltar, with David Dumas collecting Gibraltar’s Full Operational Licence. Following the implementation of new licensing structures and the application of new digital tools three years ago, David and Michael Pizzarello, Gibraltar’s National Director, who also attended the Forum, have been working assiduously to successfully convert Gibraltar’s Conditional Licence to the Full Licence.

David commented:

“Being awarded this licence reflects the fact that we are operating in accordance with the Fundamental and Operational Principles of the International Award Foundation which establish the highest uniform standards internationally. Amongst other things, the grant of the Full Licence underscores the fact that the attainment of an Award by a Gibraltar participant has worldwide recognition and currency.”

The International Award is an exciting self-development Programme available to all young people worldwide equipping them with life skills to make a difference to themselves, their communities and their world. The Awards have been in existence for 60 years with Gibraltar delivering the Award programme for 20 years.

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