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As a glimmer of normality resumes, Legal 500 EMEA delivers business as usual with a clean sweep for Hassans.

As a glimmer of normality resumes after the strangest year, we can thankfully rely on the researchers at Legal 500 EMEA to deliver business as usual. Following their 8-month long research period, collating feedback from over 300,000 in-house counsel and clients of law firms across c.100 jurisdictions, Hassans is honoured to once again be awarded with a clean sweep of top tier rankings.

Hassans is the sole leader in six out of the 11 sections including Corporate, Commercial and M&A (undeniably the leading firm for commercial matters), Private Client (the firm has an extensive practice that is adept at advising on tax efficient structures for large portfolios), Real Estate and Construction (second to none), Shipping (the team is very grounded in the Gibraltar shipping sector) and Tax (the depth of the team is highly impressive) and Technology, Media and Telecoms (undeniably the preeminent firm in Gibraltar for work in all areas of the TMT).

Amongst the remaining top tier listings are Banking and Finance (first-rate expertise in all areas of legal practice, and banking and finance is no exception), Dispute Resolution (fields an outstanding team), FinTech (leading fintech team in Gibraltar), Gambling Law (…at the forefront of gambling law in Gibraltar right from the off) and Investment Funds (go-to firm for funds issues).

The firm has also achieved 34 specific lawyer listings with some listed in multiple sections.

Hall of FameValerie HollidayNigel Feetham QCMichael CastielJames Levy QCLewis Baglietto KCJavier ChincottaPeter Montegriffo QC.

lawyers include 

Leading IndividualsVikram NagraniAbigail CornelioJames LasryNicholas HowardGrahame JacksonAnthony Provasoli.


Next Generation PartnersAaron PayasGemma Vasquez and Ian Farrell.


Rising StarsDarren Martinez and Meera Aswani


Also receiving notable mention and testimonials are Yvonne Chu, Francis Warne, Richard ButtigiegTim GarciaIan FeliceMoses AnahoryGillian Guzman QCDaniel Feetham QCMoshe LevyClaire PizzarelloAndrew MontegriffoLouise FedericoDavid MontegriffoStephanie AcrisGian MassettiIsaac Levy, Francis Carreras.

James Levy QC, Senior Partner and ranked in the Hall of Fame, commented:

“We are delighted to continue to be recognised as the leading firm in Gibraltar by the directories that matter the most.  The last year has been a challenging one on a number of fronts, not least the very abrupt emergence of a new way of going about our daily work.

 The move to working from home, which came so suddenly during the course of March last year, was taken in the firm’s stride in a way we can all be very proud of. We have been able to continue to offer our clients the service they are accustomed to and which, given their own circumstances, was as important in the last year as it has ever likely been to them.

 I wish to congratulate all at Hassans for their continuing efforts, and for continuing to work with our clients, partners and intermediaries to deliver the best outcomes, the best service and the best advice. This recognition does us proud, and I am confident of our ability to take full advantage of the many opportunities which we envision Gibraltar will enjoy in the months and years to come.”

The full rankings for Gibraltar can be seen here: 

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