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Hassans supports Gibraltar Finance, HMGOG, in bringing the Rock to the Start-up Nation

Hassans sent a delegation of nine Fintech specialists to Tel Aviv to represent the firm, and Gibraltar as a jurisdiction, at Gibraltar Day held at the Crowne Plaza Tel Aviv on Wednesday 10th October.

The annual event, organised by Gibraltar Finance, HM Government of Gibraltar, and strongly supported by Gibrael and other local firms, had a strong blockchain focus this year. The aim was to promote Gibraltar, or the “Blockchain Rock” as it is increasingly known, as the go-to jurisdiction for international companies seeking an innovative, competitive and crypto-friendly jurisdiction in which to do business.

As part of the week-long activities, Hassans hosted an evening fireside chat, along with eToro, one of the world’s leading Social Trading and Investing Platforms, and First, one of Europe’s largest Digital Assets Groups. The team were joined by the Hon. Albert Isola MP, who kindly opened the event welcoming over 100 of Tel Aviv’s business community at 2C, one of the city’s most impressive culinary venues, located on the 49th floor of the Azrieli Tower.

A number of Tel Aviv based firms, and clients of Hassans such as eToro and First, have already applied for licensing under Gibraltar’s Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) Regulatory Framework and this is expected to continue to be a burgeoning growth area for Gibraltar.

Yoni Assia, Founder and CEO, of eToro, commented:

“eToro was attracted to the Rock for various reasons. Firstly, Gibraltar is a hugely successful and business-friendly jurisdiction which enjoys a good standing globally, plus it moves swiftly and has always been way ahead of the pack. The DLT Regulations are a case in point – the licence progress is thorough but, by being able to work so closely with the Gibraltar Regulator, as well as legal experts on the ground, we found it to be a rewarding and enlightening one.  As they say, good things come to those who wait.”

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