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Hassans advises Pariplay Limited on their application for a B2B remote gambling licence

Pariplay Limited, a leading online software and platform provider, has successfully obtained a remote gambling B2B licence in Gibraltar.

The successful application will see Pariplay relocating its B2B business to Gibraltar and operating from the jurisdiction. Pariplay is looking to grow its Gibraltar presence and footprint and will be seeking to employ individuals locally in the near future. Gili Lisani, CEO of Pariplay, expressed his delight at joining the licensed businesses already located in Gibraltar and looks forward to Pariplay supporting the industry and expertise developed locally.

Hassans International Law Firm advised and acted for Pariplay Limited on all aspects of the application and relocation, including corporate, commercial and gambling regulatory matters. This represents another successful transaction for Hassans’ Gaming Law team who continue to act for the overwhelming majority of Gibraltar’s licensed remote gambling operators.

The instruction was led by Nyreen Llamas, Partner, assisted by Andrew Montegriffo, Associate.

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

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