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Hassans broadens its reach globally in Chambers and Partners

Hassans received unique recognition last week for its gaming experts in the globally renowned Chambers and Partners.

As well as being listed as a leading law firm in Gibraltar, as it has been continuously for the last 14 years, two of Hassans’ Partners, Peter Montegriffo QC and Nyreen Llamas joined just 35 other lawyers from around the globe who have been specifically recognised for their work in this industry at an international level, not just locally.

The directory collects feedback and recommendations from clients and peers of all law and advisory firms internationally and analyses the complexity and profile of the work that the firms are doing in order to determine rankings.

In addition, Hassans topped the leading lawyers table with 17 of the firm’s partners ranked as leading in Gibraltar. Once again this year James Levy CBE QC, Hassans’ Senior Partner, has been listed as the only ‘Star’ individual in Gibraltar in the field of General Business Law.

These rankings follow Hassans having been listed 9th in a definitive list of the world’s top 30 offshore law firms (2016) published by leading weekly legal publication, The Lawyer. Only the major multi-jurisdiction firms such as Maples and Calder, Ogier and Conyers Dill Pearson rank higher than Hassans.

Javier Chincotta, Managing Partner, commenting on the rankings stated:

“It is an accurate reflection that Hassans has been recognised and rewarded for its work on the international playing field, not just locally. Particularly in the current climate, it is critical that we continue to broaden our reach further than Gibraltar, as well as looking after our client base locally, and this recent recognition is testament to our lawyers’ success in doing so.”

James Levy CBE QC, Senior Partner, added:

“It’s no surprise, but extremely welcome news, that Peter and Nyreen have joined the company of international lawyers from legal powerhouses such as DLA Piper, Cuatrecasa and Jones Walker as they are absolutely working at that level.”

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