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Hassans continues to top the ranks in Legal 500 EMEA

Legal 500, one of the leading international legal directories which provides rankings of law firms based purely on client feedback, published their Europe, Middle East and Asia results yesterday.

Hassans continues to solely lead the field in Corporate and M&A, Investment Funds, Private Client, Technology, Media and Telecoms (TMT) and Tax and also remains in the top tier for Banking and Finance, Dispute Resolution and Real Estate.

Legal 500 commented on the Gibraltar market stating:

“Gibraltar has a strong reputation in the e-commerce sector, with many online gambling businesses choosing Gibraltar as their base. As a result, law firms are often involved in the e-money transactions and have been busy establishing Gibraltar as a centre for payment service providers. The country is also developing its investment funds industry, attracting business and expanding its financial services market. This growth shows no sign of slowing, with the Gibraltarian government announcing that it plans to introduce a Gibraltar International Bank and a Gibraltar Stock Exchange in 2015.”

Valuable client feedback continued to feed the directory with resounding praise across the board for the Hassans’ lawyers and teams, with some of the many highlights including quoting the Corporate and Commercial team as “absolutely first class” and that the Investment Funds team, “goes the extra mile”.

The directory also highlights 22 of the firm’s lawyers as recommended lawyers with 15 of those listed as leaders in their field. Partners Tim Garcia and Nicholas Howard, and Associates Ian Farrell and Anne Rose all joined the recommended lawyers list this year. Clients provided commentary on the firm’s lawyers which included: “fantastic to deal with”, “user-friendly” and “first-rate”.

Javier Chincotta, Managing Partner at Hassans, commented:

“The legal directories are important to all law firms globally as they are genuine indicators of how well we are doing in providing a service to our clients. Needless to say, we are extremely proud of our performance this year; we thank our clients for taking the time to provide the feedback on our service to them which has directly resulted in 22 of our lawyers specifically being recommended in their fields of work, and which is a huge achievement.”

The full results can be seen here

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