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Hassans maintains a 16-year running streak as leading law firm in Gibraltar

14 Feb 2019 

Hassans continues to be considered at the top of its game by both local and international clients according to rankings announced today by the globally renowned legal directory, Chambers Global.

The directory collects feedback and recommendations from both clients and peers of law and advisory firms, locally and internationally, and analyses the complexity and profile of the work that the firms are doing to determine rankings. The full results can be seen here.

Individual lawyers listed again this year as leaders in their field include James Levy QC – Star Individual,  the only lawyer in Gibraltar to receive this highest accolade in any category (“a very impressive individual”incredibly experienced and knowledgeable”), Lewis Baglietto QC (“very sharp, articulate and calm”), Michael Castiel  (“Castiel is my go-to person when I need something related to commercial law.”), David Dumas QC (notable activity in contentious issues relating to trusts), Nigel Feetham (“very well known in insurance”), Valerie Holliday (sources…praise her advice on regulatory issues), Gillian Guzman QC (has represented a multitude of clients at every court tier), James Lasry (“an expert in the financial world, which puts him in a very unique place”), Isaac Levy (“He is a fast thinker, has a sharp mind and is quick to spot the challenges and come up with solutions“), Peter Montegriffo QC (“highly respected…figurehead for the firm in the local market”), Vikram Nagrani (he cuts to the chase, delivers and has a good understanding of what you want”), and John Restano QC (handles a variety of contentious matters).  

New entrants to the leading lawyers list this year are shipping litigation specialist, Anne Rose (“very approachable and engaging”) and corporate and commercial lawyer, Gemma Vasquez (“She is very focused and always readily available…She recognises when we need something and she will find it.”).

Ian Felice re-enters the leading lawyer table following his return to practising law and good market feedback (“very good and thorough.”) Lewis Baglietto QC has been specifically recognised as a leading lawyer in the shipping sector (“very approachable and someone you can discuss with freely)

Finally, Peter Montegriffo QC (“guru of Gibraltar gambling law.”“instrumental in drawing Gibraltar forwards into the regulated space.”) has been listed for a third consecutive year as a Band 1 global leader in gaming, alongside just 23 other lawyers from around the globe who have been specifically recognised at this level for their work within the industry internationally.

Javier Chincotta, Managing Partner, commented:

To see two of our most dynamic and energetic female partners recognised is most pleasing, they have very distinct offerings but are unanimous in providing exceptional client service. We’re delighted that Ian’s return has resulted in his re-listing and Lewis’ work in the shipping arena is accurately highlighted.

James Levy QC and Peter Montegriffo QC’s continued recognition, both in Gibraltar and internationally, is testament to their unrivalled reputations in their respective areas of work.

Congratulations to all of our lawyers listed and to the rest of our 90-strong legal team, as well as our support staff, who have all contributed to Hassans being ranked in Tier 1 for the 16th year running.”

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