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Hassans’ employees step up to The Global Corporate Challenge.

Hassans International Law Firm is participating in the world’s largest health and well-being initiative, the Global Corporate Challenge (GCC).

Nearly 100 Hassans employees have come together to create 14 teams who are representing the firm on a global level, competing against an estimated 50,000 teams from companies around the world.

The teams of seven participants track their daily activity and steps with their fitness trackers. This activity is converted to an overall distance and the team’s progress is plotted along a virtual tour of the world. The more active the team, the further they progress on this virtual journey of discovery covering over 100 intriguing global locations.

The challenge involves motivating employees to walk over 10,000 steps per day – a proven and recommended way of reducing the risk of chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease and Type II diabetes. The aim is to combat the health risks associated with the sedentary nature of the modern workforce.

Javier Chincotta, Hassans’ Managing Partner, said:

“This program strengthens Hassans’ mantra of creating an employee culture of health and well-being, with employees being encouraged to take personal accountability for their lifestyle choices. If each Hassans’ participant hits the minimum target, we will be walking a total of over 800 kilometres each – a combined equivalent of walking around the globe twice (and then some)”.

If you see Hassans’ employees get into their gym gear for a lunchtime Med Steps session, cheer them on as they lead Hassans, and Gibraltar more generally, to victory with each step they take!

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