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James Lasry elected as Chairman of GFIA

After a two-year hiatus, James Lasry, Head of Funds and Deputy Head of Financial Services at Hassans, has been reappointed as Chairman of the Gibraltar Funds and Investments Association for the next two years having served as Deputy Chairman for the last two years.

GFIA is a non-profit organisation, formed in 1996 under the original name GASIM (Gibraltar Association of Stockbrokers and Investment Managers) and was renamed in 2009 to include Fund Managers.

As an industry body representing investment fund managers, asset managers and service providers, GFIA’s focus is on:

  • establishing a recognised medium for communication between the industry, decision makers and other professional bodies and to encourage the exchange of information amongst them;
  • encouraging and promoting the continued professional development of the industry;
  • promoting Gibraltar as a jurisdiction of choice for the industry;
  • promoting adherence by members with the principles of investor protection, corporate governance, compliance and professionalism in their investment and fund activities;
  • providing a forum for communication and discussion between the members on matters that are of interest to our members and to lobby as required; and
  • promoting cooperation, collegiality and respect between the members.

James Lasry commented:

“I wish to thank Jay Gomez for his dedication for the past two years as Chairman. It is indeed a privilege to hold this role and I thank him for all of his hard work. The last two years have been very exciting; accomplishing the AIFMD Dual Regime and the Protected Cell Limited Partnerships legislation. With PwC listing Gibraltar as the top European crypto funds jurisdiction for the second year in a row, it’s clear that our products are really best in class, and it’s time to get that message out there; I plan to focus on that during my term as Chairman.

 I also wish to echo Jay’s own words in thanking our Executive, Coordinators and members. GFIA is indeed an extremely pro-active and vibrant association with a unique ability to bring together competitors with the objective of achieving the best possible outcome for our industry and the jurisdiction as a whole.”

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