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Hassans joins global law firm network Legalink.

Hassans is pleased to announce its membership as part of the global law firm network Legalink.

Legalink has a rigorous vetting process and is made up of a select group of law firms (currently 60 in total) across Europe, US, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East who have a common aim to guide clients through the challenges of global business and provide them with excellent, personalised legal services.

In order to become a member, firms have to demonstrate that they meet the highest standards of ethics and quality service.

The key benefit of our membership will be to our global client base, who will have access to other member firms, all of which are leading law firms in their respective jurisdictions or areas, experts in their fields of practice, with in-depth local market knowledge, and will therefore add value to our clients’ transactions cost-effectively.

Legalink also provides knowledge sharing jurisdictional guides, to keep our lawyers abreast of legal or regulation changes in relevant jurisdictions, and an Academy which supports and develops younger lawyers in the network.

Bi-annual events, and a separate Academy session, are held to encourage networking, knowledge-sharing and soft skills training.

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