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Registration of a Yacht Under Construction in Gibraltar

HMGoG’s Yacht Registration facilities provide a broad range of yacht registration services including general registrations, name changes, ownership transfers as well as the registration of a yacht under construction in Gibraltar.

In each case, the registration process is simple and straightforward, with the added benefit of belonging to the Red Ensign Group post-registration. Names can be reserved free of charge and you can check availability on the Gibraltar government’s vessel checker tool.

To register a yacht under construction in Gibraltar one must first complete a GYR-15 Application form. The cost of the application for provisional registration of a yacht under construction is £175 for pleasure and commercial yachts under 24 meters and £450 for commercial yachts which exceed 24 meters in length, while to apply for an extension for provisional registration of a vessel in excess of 24 meters costs £200.

If you wish to know more about yacht registration in Gibraltar and the various benefits it provides over other jurisdictions, please visit our Gibraltar ship and yacht registration and finance page to either read more or contact one of our experts who will be happy to help. The team is led by Yvonne Chu, one of Gibraltar’s foremost experts on Shipping law.

Our team can advise on all aspects of maritime law, both locally and internationally, and can assist you throughout the entire registration process. Contact us today for more information.

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