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Client Profile: Covesting

Covesting is a popular cryptocurrency and digital asset trading platform and exchange. The company’s headquarters are in Gibraltar’s World Trade Center.

Dmitrij Pruglo, CEO & Founder:
“We chose Gibraltar for our headquarters because it is the leading crypto jurisdiction in Europe, with cutting-edge infrastructure, a nimble, business-friendly government and no shortage of talented and enterprising people to work with.”

On the 21st of October, just a day before the company’s first birthday Covesting became one of the first ever companies to be granted a DLT Operator Licence from the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission.

Covesting logo

“Covesting has long recognised the importance of regulation as a means to improve security, streamline transactions and offer greater protection to consumers. As such, we are excited and also extremely proud to be one of the very first companies to receive a DLT operator licence in Gibraltar. The DLT licence application process is a demanding one, but was an ultimately edifying and rewarding experience for us and we are hugely grateful to the Hassans’ FinTech team for all their help and guidance in this matter.”

See more Hassans FinTech clients.

The World’s Biggest Brands Choose Hassans

From low corporate tax rates to business-friendly regulation, an efficient legal and financial system, to world-class infrastructure – there are plenty of reasons why so many of the world’s biggest companies choose Gibraltar.

As the largest law firm in Gibraltar, who helped spark the genesis of the jurisdiction’s crypto industry, Hassans is the natural choice for anyone looking to establish a crypto-based business in Gibraltar.

Our firm advises on issues ranging from property and employment law to taxation. Our dedicated FinTech advisors, meanwhile, will work closely with you and your team, providing guidance on a broad range of issues such as establishing a business presence in Gibraltar, DLT Licence applications and ICO and Gibraltar’s upcoming token regulations.

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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