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Keeping It Civil S2 E3: The Gaming Sector in Gibraltar

Keeping It Civil Podcast host ⁠Selwyn Figueras⁠ talks to Hassans' Gaming Partner ⁠Andrew Montegriffo⁠, Senior Associate, ⁠Louise Federico⁠ and Trainee Solicitor⁠ Anna Buhler⁠ to discuss the latest developments in gaming industry in Gibraltar and further afield, following their recent attendance at ICE in London.

The new legislation soon to be implemented for Gibraltar is also discussed, the provenance of the amendments and the benefit therein, as well as what a Treaty for Gibraltar in relation to Brexit will mean for the industry and Gibraltar business. Selwyn's pet subject of AI makes a brief appearance!

Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Hassans’ Summer Programme 2024 ✔

A huge thank you to the 43 students who joined us for the Hassans Summer Programme 2024. Alongside shadowing their buddy, each cohort...

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Cottage Industries in Gibraltar: A Simple Path to Compliance

Starting a small business can be daunting, especially for those with no experience in the relevant business licensing and other...

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New income tax measures announced relating to sales of real property in Gibraltar

On 1 July in the 2024 Budget Address, the Minister with responsibility for Taxation announced that a new measure will be introduced to...

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