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Series 2 / Episode 5 - Hassans' Environment Prize, Part Two, Environmental Sustainability with Gibraltar College.

The second podcast in the Hassans' Environment Prize trilogy (the first can be seen here), hosted by Senior Associate and project lead, Tania Rahmany, is with Gibraltar College’s Assistant to Business and Social Sciences Sarah-Jane Roberts and Curriculum Co-ordinator, Vanessa Saccone Recagno.  

Their project aim was to provide their Level 1 students with a PBL (project-based learning) field trip to La Granja Escuela in Los Barrios, to foster a love for nature, and to continue building their knowledge of environmental factors and sustainability measures through the creation of a plant centre within the College. 

The College have completed their trip and huge results are already being seen in the enthusiasm that the youngsters have for their own potential career prospects in the sustainability and/or animal/plant related sphere, having been exposed to amazing new experiences and opportunities.



Learn more about the experience and the outcomes and also view a video that the students produced for World Earth Day here


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