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Statutory Accounting

Statutory Accounting and Preparation of Financial Statements, Filing of Tax Returns, Corporate and Personal

Companies registered in Gibraltar are required to file accounts and tax returns at the Income Tax Office as follows:

  • From 1 July 2022, for companies that have assessable income in Gibraltar below £1.5m, unaudited financial statements plus an independent accountant’s report will need to be filed together with a tax computation and tax return.
  • From 1 July 2022, companies with assessable income equal to or greater than £1.5m, will need to provide audited accounts, tax computation and tax returns.
  • For companies that have no assessable income in Gibraltar, accounts must be filed as required under the Companies Act 2014 determined by the size of the company. Micro and small companies are required to file an abridged balance sheet only together with their tax return.
  • Accounts and tax returns must be submitted not later than 9 months after a company’s year-end in order to avoid penalties and surcharges.

Contact us today to find out more or visit the Line Group Website.

Statutory Accounting Team

Kathy Adamberry

Accounting Services Leader

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