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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Valereum to accelerate its acquisition of 90% of the Gibraltar Stock Exchange (GSX)

Gibraltar's crypto ecosystem is extremely strong and one of the most developed in the world. Gibraltar already houses crypto exchanges,...

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A brief history of tokens and how they converge with modern crypto

History is not just a view of the past. It can also be a window to the present and the future. Anyone interested in Bitcoin or crypto...

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The Renaissance of Gibraltar Funds

As crypto funds dramatically surpass the performance of fiat investments, here are five mission critical elements that you need to...

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To know CRS is to love CRS… not really

There are some moments in your life as a lawyer when a lightbulb goes on above your head and you think "Hold On?". This paper that I...

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A Step Into The Metaverse

From the inception of the digital age, the technology industry has been driven to enhance mankind’s ability to transfer and absorb...

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BoXX United completes registration as a VASP with the GFSC

Congratulations to our client BoXX United ( for successfully applying for registration as a Virtual Asset Service...

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Why do we pay taxes?

In attempting to understand what drives tax morale (the technical term for how happy people are to pay their taxes) we may be inclined to...

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Twitter making NFT moves

Twitter has become the latest big name company to make a major move into the NFT space.  NFTs (or Non-Fungible Tokens) are unique...

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Gibraltar: the domicile of choice for Israeli crypto funds.

Over the last few years, a number of developments in Gibraltar from disparate fields have converged to create the ultimate eco-system for...

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Crypto funds outperformed traditional hedge funds in 2021

Properly structured and well managed crypto funds remain a strong investment opportunity. According to data from HFR, crypto funds had...

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Members’ Voluntary Liquidations – Receipt of Liquidator Licence

I am delighted to have recently been authorised and licensed by the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission as an Insolvency Practitioner...

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Coffee Break Catch Up with…Hannah Lopez

To kickstart 2022, we continue our Coffee Break Catch Ups, this time taking some time to talk to financial services associate, Hannah...

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Journal articles are a great tool to establish a literature about Gibraltar

Gibraltar is a small jurisdiction, and small jurisdictions can often get caught up on the tide of international legal changes without any...

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One year on: Gibraltar continues to move forward despite continued EU/UK negotiations post-Brexit.

A year ago today, the UK, Spain and Gibraltar governments signed the so-called 'New Year’s Eve Agreement'.  Hassans' Partners Peter...

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The EU war on tax avoidance continues…

Today the EU announced a major step in their never ending war on those "abusing" the systems which were designed to assist in the free...

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Coffee Break Catch Up with…James Noguera

To round off 2021, and in what is the inaugural edition of our coffee break catch ups with lawyers around the firm, corporate Associate...

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The OECD Pillar 2 rules are out

So here it is...Merry Christmas! So sang Slade in their legendary Christmas hit...and now with 5 days to go the Grinches at the OECD have...

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Negotiations on fluidity to continue in 2020

A very positive development and one which speaks volumes for the prospects of reaching a deal in the New Year.

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New legislation a breakthrough for the Gibraltar funds industry.

Following a joint effort from Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar (“HMGoG”), the Gibraltar Funds and Investments Association (“GFIA”)...

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The Bigger the Better…?

...not according to the UK's Competition and Markets Authority whom, having expressed concerns shortly after the original announcement in...

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Gaming comparative guide covering 32 jurisdictions now available.

Chambers and Partners, who deliver comprehensive jurisdictional comparative guides, as well as ranking law firms globally based on client...

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Creation of legal rights – Trademarks

We live in an age where innovation is at the heart of everything we do. We now have people being creative on a variety of global...

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Hassans presents the Sovereign Art Student Prize 2021

Gibraltar has been fortunate to be added to a lengthy list of countries to benefit from the annual Sovereign Art Foundation (SAF)...

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Hassans welcomes four new trainee lawyers.

Hassans is proud to welcome four new trainee lawyers to its 2021-23 training programme. Joseanne Bear Jerome Compson graduated in...

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TNG Global Foundation agrees terms with HM Government of Gibraltar for Bayside and Eastside.

Hassans is delighted to have advised TNG Global Foundation on its emblematic agreements with HM Government of Gibraltar (HMGoG) in...

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Not one but two exciting new developments announced…

We are delighted to hear that the TNG Global Foundation was successful in its bids for(1) Bayside/St Anne's site and (2) the Eastside...

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Gibraltar: an AML Update

Yvonne Chu and I recently contributed to Thomson Reuters’ Regulatory Intelligence Desktop providing an anti-money laundering (“AML”)...

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Beyond finance, is crypto set to disrupt the way we raise our children too?

During the Crypto Gib conference held in Gibraltar over the last two days, one of the sessions saw On Yavin, of Cointelligence, speak...

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Steinmo teaches us that structures mould policy because they set the way we think.

Reading books about the taxation structures of the world is something that strange people like tax partners often do, with little reason...

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OECD admits no obligation to raise corporation tax rates on all businesses…

The shape and detail of the Pillar 1 and Pillar 2 proposals which form part of what some have described as the "biggest revolution in...

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