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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Pandora Papers and the law of diminishing returns

And so we have the release of the Pandora Papers from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists or ICIJ. The Pandora...

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Security Tokens refinancing by SocGen using MakerDAO

Societe Generale – Forge, a regulated subsidiary of Societe Generale licensed as an investment firm under MiFID 2 regulation, and...

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Throwing Good Money After Bad?

An interesting method from India's government in seeking to address issues arising from an estimated USD 100 billion of bad debt on the...

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Hassans acts for FTX Trading Limited in the acquisition of Zubr Group

Hassans is delighted to have assisted FTX Trading Limited ('FTX') in its recent acquisition of the Zubr Group of companies (‘the Group’)....

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Musings of a crypto theorist – regulate it, tax it and imitate it

In much of my writings I have always been fascinated by the ‘what if’ and ‘why’. A lot of what I have written is still scattered around...

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5AMLD bank account portal plan

If you've been following the implementation of different measures under 5AMLD, I'd hazard a guess that you've probably had a similar...

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A ‘Messi’ Affair: Ownership Models of Professional Football Clubs

For some F.C. Barcelona fans (myself included, and I suspect the vast majority), Friday 6 August 2021 is a day that will live in...

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Implementation news re changes to Gibraltar Corporate Tax Rate.

HM Government of Gibraltar's budget measures announced on 20 July 2021 included an increase in the corporate tax rate from 10% to 12.5%,...

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Hassans ranks Tier 1 in Chambers and Partners High Net Worth Guide 2021

Many congratulations to our lawyers James Levy QC, Peter Montegriffo QC, Vikram Nagrani and Grahame Jackson, who are all listed as Band 1...

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FATCA / CRS – New Year’s Resolutions

Amidst the chaos that seems to inevitably go hand in hand with the final weeks before submitting the annual FATCA / CRS reports to the...

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Hassans launches Working Group as Gibraltar Government announces imminent publication of Medicinal Cannabis legislation.

Hassans International Law Firm has today announced the formal establishment of a Working Group on Medicinal Cannabis, coinciding with the...

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Gibraltar corporation tax set to rise to 12.5%

­Today Fabian Picardo, announced that Gibraltar corporation tax is set to rise from 10% to 12.5%. The Chief Minister set this in the...

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Cryptocurrency and Succession Planning

There is a common myth that wills are for the elderly generation. This could not be further from the truth. With the ever growing...

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Why It’s Coming Home

With the English nation (and Gibraltar, vicariously) basking in the senior men football team's first qualification for a major...

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Sport has already come home for Gibraltar.

Whilst our TV screens are thankfully (for most) back streaming international sporting events into our living room, and stadiums are alive...

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Sephardic Jews can access EU citizen status via Portugal.

The Portuguese Government passed legislation in 2015 to facilitate the granting of Portuguese nationality, thereby obtaining EU citizen...

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Values, branding and politics: wasn’t it all about sports?

I won't win any Pulitzer Prizes by saying that Cristiano Ronaldo is a pretty popular chap. 309 million followers on his Instagram...

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Making Your Mark

The underlying article provides some analysis to potential benefits and pitfalls of using AI software to identify future musical hits and...

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It’s back! Series 2 of International Tax Bites Ep 1: Global Tax Minimum Rate.

We're back! Drum roll puh-lease for Series 2 of International Tax Bites!  Trumpeted as one of the most radical proposals in the last 100...

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Golden Visas – citizenship via investments or residency

Citizenship by investment or residency via an investment programme is directed to wealthy foreign nationals who wish to acquire for any...

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Predictions of the past catch up with the future.

Almost every week we see headlines of Fintech/Insuretech startup companies obtaining spectacular valuations. Having worked with...

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Gambling Law Review

Check out our latest review of Gibraltar gambling laws and regulations in The Gambling Law Review, Edition 6.  This is a useful guide and...

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Gibraltar Insurance Market: The future is upon us

The Gibraltar insurance market is taking great strides post-Brexit. With continuous market access to the UK insurance market, the...

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Gibraltar Insurance Market: The future opportunity is upon us

Gibraltar, a tiny isthmus at the tip of Europe is already a significant player in the UK motor insurance market with almost 27% share....

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Hassans appoints seven new partners in latest round of promotions.

Hassans International Law Firm Limited, Gibraltar’s leading law firm, has today announced the appointment of seven new partners during...

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Starter’s orders: G7 agreement gets talks underway

Rishi Sunak is understood to have raised the exclusion of the financial services sector from the application of the 15% tax agreed by the...

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Gibraltar ranked in top three crypto fund jurisdictions in the world.

According to the 3rd Annual Global Crypto Hedge Fund Report 2021 by PwC, Elwood Asset Management and AIMA, the Cayman Islands, the US and...

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Gibraltar: financial services sector to go into overdrive.

We are seeing a technological revolution across the financial services industry that is changing the way that businesses interact with...

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A BIG DEAL for Bitcoin

In a passionate speech at the Bitcoin 2021 event in Miami, Jack Mallers (founder and CEO of Strike) made the biggest Bitcoin announcement...

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G7 Tax Deal

The deal, announced with much fanfare, is heralded by its proponents as a key step in the battle against tax avoidance by seeking to...

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