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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Feeding the Frontline Gibraltar restarts to provide support to Elderly Residential Services.

We are so pleased to be able to continue to support the excellent work of Feeding the Frontline (FTF) Gibraltar  Having provided the GHA...

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European Parliament Call for EU Blacklist Overhaul

The European Parliament voted last week overwhelmingly in favour of pushing for the re-casting of the EU blacklist such as to widen its...

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In My Opinion – Peter Montegriffo

Very shortly after the 23rd June 2016 Brexit vote, I bumped into my since sadly departed political friend (and occasional adversary),...

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Structuring Market Update: Insurance

The Solvency II directive led to a material increase in the capital that insurers were required to hold but also widened the forms of...

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Structuring Market Update: Insurance

January 21, 2021 The Solvency II directive led to a material increase in the capital that insurers were required to hold but also widened...

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OTD: What Satoshi said…

The fact that no-one knows who Satoshi Nakamoto is (or was) makes him extremely interesting. I have been looking at his posts again on...

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STEP Europe Virtual Discussion on DAC6 attracts nearly 600 delegates.

With the DAC6 reporting requirements upon us, I joined an international panel of experts last week for #STEPEurope's second Virtual Panel...

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Residency and Cat 2 in Gibraltar

Part of Gibraltar’s compelling tax environment consists of what is known as the Gibraltar Category 2 tax residency status.  One of the...

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Who does the UK Government owe all that money to? What happens if it devalues?

Who does the UK Government borrow its money from? This article from Economics Help shows us that back at the end of 2019 the figures...

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Corporate Defaults in 2021: Long-term Sustainability > Short-term Solutions

Almost a year removed from Covid-19’s inception and infiltration into western societies, corporations have attempted to remain flexible...

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Bitesize Tax Ep5 – Accrued and Derived

Today was the fifth in my series of the Hassans' Bitesize Tax Sessions. 73 professionals attended and thank you to them for their...

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Successful Completion – Restructure

Big players in every industry continue to adapt to the ever-evolving landscape to ensure the longevity and success of their businesses....

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MiFID II ‘reverse solicitation’ rules post-Brexit

Against the backdrop of Brexit, ESMA issued a public statement on 13th January 2021 to remind firms of the requirements under the MiFID...

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DLT Regulation in Gibraltar – The Ten Principles

As of January 1st 2018, Gibraltar’s widely-publicised regulations on Distributed Ledger Technology came into effect, bringing some...

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GBGA approved!

The Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association have published their formal support to the framework agreement for Gibraltar’s post-Brexit...

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HM Treasury launches consultation on UK regulatory approach to crypto assets and stablecoins

In a continued effort to assess how best to approach crypto asset regulation in the United Kingdom, HM Government has launched a...

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‘Hassans Academy’ launches today

This new year, more than any other we can remember, we'd be forgiven for feeling a little blue and lackluster.  For the team at Hassans,...

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A watershed moment for Gibraltar – Schengen Preliminary Agreement

Whatever the in principle accord regarding Gibraltar heralds and however it materialises, last Thursday 31 December 2020 was certainly a...

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Gibraltar financial services firms have exclusive rights to passport their services into the UK

In light of Brexit, both the Gibraltar and UK governments put in place a temporary permissions regime to ensure that licensed financial...

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Gibraltar joining Schengen makes it the Ultimate Residence

On 31st December 2020, the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Picardo, announced that a Framework Agreement had been reached between the...

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Chambers Gaming Law guide 2020 launched.

Andrew Montegriffo and Louise Federico have contributed to the latest Chambers Global Gaming practice guide. The guide is a key reference...

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Law Commission launches call for evidence on smart contracts

On 17 December 2020, the Law Commission published a call for evidence on smart contracts. This follows from the announcement made by the...

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Bitcoin surges past $20,500

Recently, it seems as if every other day another big name in the traditional finance space is talking about Bitcoin. Just yesterday,...

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Limited Partnerships Bill

Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar published the Limited Partnerships Bill on 29th October 2020.  The Bill is a welcomed revamp of the...

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Hassans ranked Tier 1 for third year running in Chambers’ FinTech: Professional Advisers Guide

Chambers and Partners has today launched their FinTech: Professional Advisers 2021 guide. The two co-leads of Hassans’ 13-strong FinTech...

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Is working from home here to stay?

The suggestion of working from home just a couple of days a week in January this year would have had 'management' in many organisations...

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Gilbert Licudi QC Awarded Honorary Doctorate

Hassans International Law Firm Limited has today congratulated the Hon Gilbert Licudi QC on the receipt of an Honorary Doctorate from the...

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Five Hassans’ trainees called to the Bar and enrolled as solicitors of the Supreme Court of Gibraltar.

We are delighted to congratulate Omri Bouton, Patrick Gill, Caroline Lane, Gabby McGhie and Jesse Monteverde who were called to the Bar...

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CEX.IO launches CEX.IO LOAN following approval from Gibraltar authorities.

Hassans' Partner Anthony Provasoli has advised CEX.IO on the launch of a new service which enables customers to borrow funds against...

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All Change

Whilst on one level Salesforce's purchase of messaging app Slack may represent a welcome example of economic activity in challenging...

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