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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Bitcoin hits a new all time high!

Bitcoin's previous all time high (ATH) price was hit back on the 18th December 2017 where it fell short of $20,000. The exact price of...

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Fair Trading Bill 2020 – Changes to Business Licensing in Gibraltar you need to know about

On 29 October 2020, the Government of Gibraltar published the Fair Trading Bill 2020 (‘the Bill’). It is intended that the Bill will...

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Join us at Startup Grind Gibraltar’s panel discussion with INX!

Join us online for Startup Grind Gibraltar's panel discussion where we will discuss why INX Limited chose Gibraltar as its home...

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Hassans’ clients recognised in Gibraltar Heritage Awards 2020

Hassans acts for a number of landlords and developers in the refurbishment and redevelopment of existing buildings in Gibraltar. We have...

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Hassans’ Environmental Team advises HM GoG on its project to unlock green finance.

Hassans has been working with The Department of the Environment, Sustainability, Climate Change and Heritage (DESCCH) at HM Government of...

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The ECJ rules that CBD is not a narcotic

Great news for the CBD industry as the European Court of Justice today delivered its ruling in the KanaVape case C-663/18. The industry...

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Capital Gains Tax will not…cannot…be enough.

Rishi Sunak is predicted to borrow £317bn extra in year end 2021 and we cannot predict how bad things are going to get between here and...

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Taxation of Crypto Assets

It has been my pleasure to be the contributor of the Gibraltar chapter of the “Taxation of Crypto Assets” book, published by Kluwer Law...

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The Financial Services (Gibraltar) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020

The Financial Services (Gibraltar) (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 (SI 2020/1274), together with an explanatory memorandum were...

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Gibraltar Foundations & Purpose Trusts as Governance Vehicles for Decentralised Crypto Protocols

Protocol Governance Vehicles In this note we discuss why decentralised crypto projects should look to Gibraltar to set up their off-chain...

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Happy Birthday to Uniswap – the only 2 year old with $2.7bln

Uniswap Exchange is a decentralised token exchange protocol built on Ethereum. It uses liquidity pools (instead of order books) and the...

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EFAMA updates its key cyber-prevention standards for investment management companies

The European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA), supported by investment fund associations from around the world, has updated...

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New Limited Partnerships Bill guarantees the modernisation of the Gibraltar funds industry

The Gibraltar Government have confirmed the publication of  the Limited Partnerships Bill and the Protected Cell Limited Partnerships...

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HM Government of Gibraltar Press Release: Government introduces new statutory framework for Limited Partnerships

Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar (HMGoG) confirms that it will publish this week the Limited Partnerships Bill and the Protected...

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European Commission begins public consultation on AIFMD

A review into the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (2011/61/EU) ("AIFMD") was launched yesterday by the European Commission...

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Positive outlook for shipping in Gibraltar

A good news story in the context of the port and shipping sector in Gibraltar.  The investment in LNG as a jurisdiction enables Gibraltar...

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Embracing the Opportunity of Upheaval

This article offers an interesting insight into the plight and response of 3 different types of UK businesses as they navigate current...

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Gibraltar positions itself as the Gateway to the UK

More good news for Gibraltar coming out of the UK as the Financial Services Bill 2019-21 was introduced to Parliament yesterday.  The...

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PayPal announces plans to enable users to buy, hold & sell crypto

In what is the biggest crypto news today, PayPal has announced it will offer its accountholders the ability to buy, hold and sell...

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Liquidations – shareholder democracy

Although under the relevant Gibraltar law provisions liquidators are all licensed insolvency practitioners, we must remember that whilst...

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Corporate Restructure – how can we help you?

Big players in every industry are continually having to adapt to the ever evolving landscape (be it Brexit, economic substance rules,...

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Central banks publish first report on CBDCs

On 9 October 2020, the group published its first report on the foundational principles and core features of central bank digital...

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Private Wealth & Private Client Review – Gibraltar

Delighted to have contributed to the ninth edition of The Private Wealth and Private Client Review together with Peter Montegriffo QC....

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Family offices as direct investors

According to a report by FINTRX covering data points on 2750 family offices, wealthy families are increasingly choosing to invest...

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Corporate Hibernation and Continued Innovation: Cineworld

Benjamin Franklin may have indeed said it best, ‘failing to prepare, is preparing to fail.’ In the context of Cineworld’s latest...

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Global minimum tax rate looms.

It is not often that specific international tax proposals are included in national level coalition agreements but it seems Belgium is so...

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Increased use of tech in Gibraltar courts.

The 2020 edition of The Middle Templar focuses on some of the biggest issues that not only the legal profession have faced, but also...

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Seeking the Solace of Routine

The German concept of Feierabend (whether in its earlier incantation celebrating the end of the agricultural workday and a turn to...

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FCA bans the sale of crypto-derivatives to UK retail consumers as of January 2021

(UPDATED) The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), the UK's financial services regulator, has banned the sale of derivatives and exchange...

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Co-opetition? Common Collaboration between Competitors.

Particularly in light of the current climate, and given that 2020 is well on its way to being a year that may ‘live in infamy’, the...

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