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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Imitation is the highest form of flattery

Protecting the Jurisdiction, Customers and Regulated Firms from "Imitators". In June 2020, the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission...

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Gibraltar as a test bed for future Markets in Crypto Assets compliant business?

The International Association of Trusted Blockchain Applications has recently issued its response to the publication of the draft Markets...

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The European Commission proposes the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA)

On 23 September 2020 the European Commission officially proposed MiCA, a bespoke regulatory framework for crypto-assets and stablecoins....

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New Limited Partnerships Act and Protected Cells Partnership Act: breakthroughs for the Gibraltar funds industry.

Following a joint effort from Her Majesty’s Government of Gibraltar (“HMGoG”), the Gibraltar Funds and Investments Association (“GFIA”)...

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Hassans advises Canadian fund, The Bitcoin Fund, on its listing to the Gibraltar Stock Exchange.

The Gibraltar Stock Exchange, a subsidiary of the Global Stock Exchange (GSX) Group, has today announced the listing of 3iQ’s The Bitcoin...

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A quick review of taxation in Gibraltar – the key points

Gibraltar offers so many advantages for businesses and entrepreneurs (and their families) which I covered last week in my Moving to...

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GFSC publishes updated DLT guidance notes

In alignment with the Financial Services Act 2019, the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission has published updated Guidance Notes to...

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Affordable housing allocations at Bob Peliza Mews and Chatham Views

The launch of the latest affordable housing scheme, Bob Peliza Mews and Chatham Views, has been met with much excitement. We invite...

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Mondaq Blockchain Jurisdictional Comparative Guide

Our contribution earlier this year to the Mondaq Blockchain Guide 2020 covering the Gibraltar chapter serves as a jurisdictional...

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Gibraltar: The Blockchain Rock

In 2016, the Government of Gibraltar, together with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission undertook to make Gibraltar a premier hub...

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Gibraltar: The Blockchain Rock

In 2016, the Government of Gibraltar, together with the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission undertook to make Gibraltar a premier hub...

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Moving to Gibraltar – a compelling solution in turbulent times

In recent days, Gibraltar has celebrated its National Day, a day when all of Gibraltar dons the red and white of its flag and celebrates...

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Legal challenge to prescription guidelines in UK to go ahead

The parents of Charlie Hughes, who suffers from West syndrome, a severe and treatment resistant form of epilepsy are challenging...

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Hassans advises INX in setting up the first IPO of a security token registered with the U.S. SEC.

Hassans, led by Partner Aaron Payas, was delighted to have advised INX in setting up the first ever Initial Public Offering (‘IPO’) of a...

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Triumphing over adversity – what price are you prepared to pay?

The epidemiologist, Sherman James, studied various black American communities and observed the disproportionately damaging effects upon...

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The Art of not wasting a crisis: lessons for Climate Change Law

Hassans has been fortunate to have Anna Martinez with us for a one month internship providing consultation on the science behind the...

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IOSCO Report on Liquidity Provision in the Secondary Markets for Equity Securities

On 11 August 2020, IOSCO published its final report in respect of market makers and liquidity provision in the secondary markets for...

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Experienced Investor Funds in Gibraltar

Hassans' Head of Funds James Lasry, recently wrote on the versatility of the Experienced Investor Fund regime, specifically noting that...

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Freezing Injunctions and the Insolvency (Amendment) Act 2020

The introduction of the Insolvency (Amendment) Act 2020 (“the Act”) creates a significant problem for creditors of insolvent or...

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An indication of where the global minimum tax rate will be set?

The OECD has been working on the establishment of a global minimum tax rate as part of its Pillar 2 of its GLoBE proposals. It has plans...

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Will the broad acceptance of working from home improve gender inequality in the workplace?

Many have reported that they are more satisfied working from home - they feel more productive and engaged and less stressed. The...

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World Wealth Report 2020: some key takeaways

The World Wealth Report 2020 from Capgemini has found that High Net Worth Individual (HNWI) wealth and population grew by almost 9%...

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Digital Services Tax under fire

The EU's attempt to assert its primacy in the world of anti-avoidance by imposing a digital services tax based on the location of the...

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Big Tech In the House

The appearance of Google's Sundar Pichai, Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Apple's Tim Cook and Amazon's Jeff Bezos before the US Congress'...

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3 Hare Court Webinar on Interim Relief and Freezing Orders featuring Hassans

Hassans' Partner Daniel Feetham QC and Senior Associate Darren Martinez took part in the first in a series of mini webinars in relation...

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Article 116 – The Commission lays down a marker for a possible route to tax harmonisation

Article 116 of TFEU gives the EU the power to override any tax provision of a Member State which "is distorting the conditions of...

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Critical advice to UK citizens living in Spain – register your residency to protect your rights.

Ana Maria Carracao guidance regarding the necessary action British citizens must take prior to 31 December 2020 in order to protect their...

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An Apple a Day…Keeping the EU Commission at Bay

The General Court of the European Union ("GCEU") have annulled the European Commission's decision regarding the Irish tax rulings in...

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The one where….Gibraltar’s Chief Minister cites you in Parliament.

Avid writer, historian and lawyer, Nigel Feetham QC, was cited in Gibraltar Parliament last month in relation to his article “The new...

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Corporate Rescue: Renewed Hope

The reality is that despite a proven track record of stability, financial performance and longevity, the current climate (comprising of...

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