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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Tax Partner Grahame Jackson awarded the Advanced Diploma in International Tax.

Hassans' Partner Grahame Jackson has been awarded the highly respected international qualification, ADIT, by the Chartered Institute of...

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Hassans’ Grahame Jackson awarded an Advanced Diploma in International Taxation

Grahame Jackson, Tax Partner at Hassans, was recently awarded an Advanced Diploma in International Taxation (“ADIT”) by the Chartered...

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Chambers 2020 Blockchain Guide (Gibraltar)

I have had the pleasure to author the Chambers 2020 Blockchain Guide chapter for Gibraltar.  The Gibraltar chapter looks at developments...

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Hassans International Law Firm becomes a Limited Company

Hassans has announced that as of today, Wednesday 1st July, it will be operating as Hassans International Law Firm Limited. The...

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The European Supervisory Authorities publish their responses to the EU Digital Finance Strategy consultation

On 29 June 2020, the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs) published their respective responses to the European Commission's...

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Spanish Supreme Court rules that the ban on online gaming prior to law 13/2011 was contrary to EU Law

In two recent rulings published on the same date in June, the Supreme Court of Spain (Tribunal Supremo) has declared that the pre-2011...

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Gibraltar’s Exit Tax

This resume is centred on Hassans’ Partner and tax specialist, Grahame Jackson’s webinar on Exit Tax - which is the first of a four-part...

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Flexible working: The Dutch may have the answer but is there enough trust?

The accelerated clamour for more flexible working practices (initially driven partly out of COVID lock-down necessity and partly by way...

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Brand building of the here and now

When building a brand, investment has always been seen as a key player of success. However, the reality of a post Covid-19 world is...

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UK Financial Services Bill to provide for continued access to the UK market for Gibraltar firms

The Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak, has issued a written statement with an update on the future of the UK financial services...

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Why has it taken 100 years for the first female legal outfitter to be established?

At the end of 2019, we celebrated 100 years since the passing of Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act 1919. In other words, its been 100...

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Planning restrictions in the UK to be relaxed as a result of coronavirus

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, the UK government is taking steps to extend planning permission deadlines in an attempt to salvage...

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Whom Do You Trust?

Although this underlying article specifically relates to the risk and costs of entrusting the restoration of prized artwork to people...

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Confidence and Civilisation: monumental questions

Whilst the media publishes images of public monuments being defaced, damaged or destroyed, Hassans’ Partner, author and history...

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What now for women’s football?

To the relief of many, the Premier League resumed on 17 June 2020, with Aston Villa and Sheffield United kicking things off with goalless...

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From taking a knee to school meal vouchers: sports as a positive force for society

Years before pictures filled our screens of protesters kneeling to demand an end to systemic racism and police brutality, Colin...

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#Hashtag: The Revolution of the Word

The way in which we consume content has dramatically changed over the last few decades. There is an abundance of information available...

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The euphemism treadmill

The language we use to refer to complex and difficult matters which have an element of pain for those concerned is currently under...

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Powers of general counsel to act on climate change

It is easy for lawyers to see ourselves as relatively innocent in the global contribution to climate change. Our increasingly paperless...

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European Football and COVID-19: difficult decisions and an uncertain future

Tomorrow, 17 June 2020, the UEFA Executive Committee will hold its next meeting (via videoconference) with its 55 member associations to...

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Fear of the unknown? Now is actually the perfect time to face it.

As we face an uncertain economic climate where business leaders walk on unfamiliar territory and prepare to face the unknown, we can all...

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Adapt or die?

Leon C. Megginson, Professor of Management and Marketing at Louisiana State University at Baton Rouge. paraphrased that: "According to...

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Cycling into the future

It is no secret that vehicles running on fossil fuels account for a significant portion of airborne pollution. In small cities like...

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What’s the key to the success of the Gibraltar insurance product?

Hassans' Partner Nigel Feetham is featured here in a brief interview with Think Gibraltar re the key to the success of the Gibraltar...

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The Power of Storytelling

A Few Good Men, The Lincoln Lawyer, My Cousin Vinny and even Suits are examples of successful American legal dramas. Of course, the...

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Loan repayment holidays: distinguishing between illiquid and insolvent borrowers

Property investors have been facing rent shortfalls and renegotiation of leases as a result of the pandemic.  Many other investors have...

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May 2020 figures show the fastest fall in UK house prices since 2009.

Despite the re-opening of the housing market in England last month, statistics show that the sector has struggled significantly due to...

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The rise of the virtual family office

The use of a family office as a vehicle for wealth preservation has been steadily growing.  Family offices typically take one of two...

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Commercial Landlords – a narrowing of rights & available remedies.

On 20 May 2020 the UK government introduced the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill to Parliament and announced the Bill's stated...

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Artificial Intelligence in tax – we are human after all.

We now live in a digitalised world where technology is a primary function in our everyday. We have seen how technology has revolutionised...

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