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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Large Corporations are not moral creatures… it’s a hard lesson to learn.

Jonathan Pie, the satirical news presenter who's schtick is that the modern woke world aggravates him so much he has to rant into the...

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Mirror mirror on the wall, the easiest investment of them all?

We are no doubt in a challenging time for investors who are seeking the returns they need to live their lives. Investor optimism has...

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Corporate Social Responsibility and Accountability in times of Social Unrest II

Japan's SoftBank USD 100million fund initiative will seek to create opportunities for growth and assistance in investing in entrepreneurs...

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Risk and reward both possible as Johnson reaffirms ties to the British family

The last time a British government allowed an ex-colonial population access to the UK due to political unrest was in the early 1970s when...

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Learning from lockdown – Work-life balance

Lockdown has presented us all with invariable difficulties in all aspects of life. As the lockdown is being eased in the majority of the...

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Corporate Social Responsibility and Accountability in times of Social Unrest

Generally speaking, corporations have considered their sense of corporate social responsibility by seeking to adhere to the unwritten...

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A time to buy – Funds in time of economic crisis

This source goes far back but the truth behind it goes even further! It is an intrinsic part of human nature to attempt to get out of...

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Global M&A 2020

M&A activity (like everything and everyone else at present) lives under the continuing threat and impact of COVID-19.  The underlying...

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Digitising Courtroom Advocacy

As a trainee barrister, the prospect of lawyers advocating in paperless courts is exciting. It is remarkable to reflect on the times when...

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Austerity is not always the answer…but it is the Anglo-American model

The Anglosphere has a standard response to economic shocks. It battens down the hatches, cuts spending and allows unemployment to rise....

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Low-carbon mobility – gearing up for a greener (and easier) future

Many of our efforts in tackling climate change have centred around decarbonising electricity. It often surprises people just how much...

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Gibraltar is uniquely positioned to cater for art collectors

Despite the present circumstances, there is still a global demand for works of art. Auction houses have jumped on the Zoom bandwagon and...

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It’s work, but not as we know it.

Long gone are the days where a 9-5 day at the office is what one expects when going white collar. We are entering a new era and this BBC...

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The coronavirus crisis could pave the way for wealth taxes to be implemented

There has been talk in the press in recent weeks about the potential introduction of a wealth tax to help cover the cost of the crisis....

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Time for a large slice of humble pie?

Interesting article exploring the value of humility.  Whilst the conventional image of leadership may be grounded in one of bullish...

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Call time on excessive charges

In periods of stock market shock, such as has been experienced recently with the Coronavirus pandemic, the natural focus of attention is...

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Covid reveals the shape of the digital economy and the tax authorities can see it

A fascinating article for anyone interested in the shape of the future international tax environment. The current model of international...

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The 101 Guide to Space Crimes

Between 1998 and 1999 the Russian Institute of Biomedical Problems carried out the most prominent study on the effects that Outer Space...

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EU to take unilateral steps on cross border digital tax and minimum tax rate if OECD drops the baton

The Next Generation EU proposals include four new tax raising proposals which are required to pay for the vast borrowing brought on by...

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Help Me Learn Africa awarded UEFA Foundation for Children Award

Earlier this year, Louise Barea of Help Me Learn Africa, told us that the Gibraltar Football Association had nominated Help Me Learn...

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Mussolini…lessons to be learnt for modern tax compliance policies from the Italian experience

It isn’t often that you encounter a post related to tax with the word “Mussolini” in the headline. Even given that it would be foolish to...

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The Changing Face of Future Homes?

Striking the right work / life balance has, to date, predominantly involved a tussle between hours spent in the office and hours spent at...

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Peak ‘Paxman’?

The trend, developing in recent years, of presenters being ever more aggressive in their questioning of politicians and other guests has,...

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Corporate Restructurings are on the up – but it’s not always doom and gloom.

Following a string of announcements in the aviation sector, including Boeing and Easyjet (amongst others), the motor industry (namely,...

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EU Commission proposes to take tax raising powers. Is this a Covid power grab?

Amongst the fanfares of Ode to Joy and the sighs of relief as Ursula von der Leyden trumpeted "Europe's moment" by announcing a proposal...

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Why we must faithfully keep the past alive.

Nigel Feetham's latest piece looks at the lessons of history - learning from questioning conventional wisdom and why we must faithfully...

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“Unlocking” the Housing Market

With the easing of lockdown restrictions on the English housing market, concerns were raised regarding the long term effect the health...

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Mental Capacity and Wills: The importance of detailed assessments and notes

Although an individual has testamentary freedom, it is important that their mental capacity is correctly assessed when they are choosing...

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Government of Gibraltar issues Command Paper to regulate use of e-scooters

The Government of Gibraltar has today issued a Command Paper in respect of the regulation of electric scooters in Gibraltar, referred to...

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The Future is Today; getting comfortable with the uncomfortable

From the outside, law may appear to be a conservative profession and to some extent it is. Nevertheless, like many other businesses,...

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