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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Coronavirus: What’s the future for the office?

Many companies are re-evaluating their office space requirements and 'working from home', for a growing number of their workforce, may...

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The topsy-turvy world of negative interest rates

The Bank of England’s base rate is at its lowest level since the bank was established in 1694. Now, the Governor of the Bank of England,...

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Gibraltar: A safe harbour for a pandemic.

Earlier this week I wrote a piece for Superyacht Investor about how Gibraltar has managed to continue servicing superyachts and cruise...

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Stock Markets: A Shareholder’s Watchdog over Corporate Management

A classic theme of corporate governance is the expectation that all institutional investors engage with the management of large public...

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Courts protecting the planet – is litigation overtaking legislation in the Climate Emergency?

Courts around the world are increasingly becoming forums to mobilise action by governments and organisations on climate change, where...

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Tax policy can be underpinned by philosophical principles just as much as any other area of policy.

The imposition of tax involves the expropriation of assets which belong to the individual for use by the State on pain of imprisonment or...

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Low tax is only one piece of the puzzle as North Korea shows.

Those who are the heirs of Thatcher and Reagan believe that low taxes encourage entrepreneurship by maximising the return on effort made...

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Online marketing is a many splendoured thing.

There is a feeling amongst some that in terms of HNWI and private client legal services that nobody ever got a client worth having from a...

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Expect increased anti-avoidance measures as revenues become critical for Covid indebted nations

After the last global crisis, the Great Recession, the OECD made it clear that, whilst not part of the cause, tax compliance would most...

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Get real; we are between a rock and a hard place

We are currently at a time of global uncertainty, a time when we look towards our Government for leadership. Unfortunately, they too are...

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The Legislative Reform Programme in Gibraltar – a success story?

Hassans' Partner, Yvonne Chu, takes a look at the Legislative Reform Programme which came into effect in Gibraltar at the beginning of...

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Tune out the noise

An investor should never base their decisions on news headlines. Stock markets move freely and one day’s gains on good news can swiftly...

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Ten reasons why the age of individualism may now be upon us

Hassans' lawyer, Nigel Feetham QC is a prolific publisher on legal, historical and social matters. Take a read of his fascinating insight...

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Damp – it’s not the building it’s us!

Aside from my legal life, I have a strong passion for the refurbishment of old buildings and sustainability. Many of the issues that I...

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Sustainable development – the value of preserving old buildings

For developers who come by an old and dilapidated property, the age-old question is whether to demolish and build something new on site,...

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Bringing Crypto to the Masses

It was fascinating to hear 22 year old Adam Norrie speaking about crypto in this week’s episode of Blockchain Rock  It has been a...

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A new centralised regime for AML and CFT in the EU?

The EU has announced an Action Plan on AML/CFT which is built, as described in the article below, on six pillars: Ensuring the effective...

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Death by Data Protection?

The GRA has today issued guidance on temperature checking in the context of an increase in the practice of checking the temperature of...

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Government of Gibraltar publishes ‘Unlock the Rock’

The Government of Gibraltar yesterday published its ‘Unlock the Rock’ plan for lifting restrictions and restart the economy.  It is the...

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Why is a commercial lawyer wishing you a Happy International Nurses Day?

In 2012 I had the honour of being appointed Chairman of the Gibraltar Nurses, Midwives and Health Visitors' Registration Board. This is a...

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The new normal or the new dawn – amendments to the insolvency laws due to the coronavirus pandemic and what businesses can do to help themselves.

Whether as a result of the influence of social media and in particular the speed at which information (as well as misinformation)...

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Unilateralism in Digital Tax and Trade – a Self-Interested Race to the Bottom

Like the late 19th and early 20th Century Scramble for Africa, the unilateral scramble for digital tax revenues by jurisdictions...

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A new dawn for business owners? How the amended insolvency laws might help many.

Hassans’ Partner Nigel Feetham QC takes a look at the risk of insolvency for businesses in the current coronavirus crisis and the new...

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Is the gambling industry beginning to embrace esports amid COVID-19 pandemic?

The lack of traditional sporting events globally as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak has hit the betting industry hard. Traditional...

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The Best is Yet to Come

The Government of Gibraltar yesterday announced specific measures and plans aimed at emerging from this post-Covid lock-down into a...

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Is equal pay always equal?

The US Women's National Soccer Team suffered a serious drawback on Friday, when a District Court Judge dismissed the main elements of...

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Hassans’ Ian Felice to represent Gibraltar in FIBA post-Covid19 planning talks

  The Europe President, Turgay Demirel, of the International Basketball Federation (FIBA) has set up a working group to prepare a...

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Blockchain Rock celebrates its 1st birthday but who are the brains behind the podcasts?

Blockchain Rock celebrates its 1st birthday this week. Blockchain Rock explores the background of global influencers and thought leaders...

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Deal between Clever Leaves & Canopy could be template for other cannabis firms

The Latin American subsidiary of Ontario-based Canopy Growth Corporation (TSX:WEED, NYSE:CGC) has inked a regional supply deal with...

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Commercial rent negotiations during the pandemic

Landlords and tenants need to have sensible discussions about the impact of the recent lockdown and restrictions on the tenants‘...

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