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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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The Legal 500 wheels keep turning; top tier across the board for Hassans.

When more pressing matters are prevalent, it feels perverse to celebrate success. In bad times (perhaps more so), as well as good,...

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Food supply chains using Blockchain

In a fascinating Blockchain Rock interview, David Proenza (CEO at Urban Farms Global and FoodChain) describes the challenges faced by...

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When the dust settles…

In this article, Hassans' Partner, Nigel Feetham, asks the question, what could the coronavirus mean for big business and private wealth...

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Tax matters: immune to lockdown

Since Gibraltar went into lockdown, Grahame Jackson, Tax Partner at Hassans, has moved his regular training sessions from the conference...

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Hassans donates £35,000 in support of GHA workers

In support of the continuing demands being faced by the GHA, Hassans has made a £20,000 donation to the GHA Covid-19 fund. The funds will...

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I’d never bought a bank during a pandemic before – there’s always a first time I guess!

I haven't really been active in my writing over the last few weeks. On the one hand, we were coming to terms with the preparations being...

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Jyske Bank sale completes, a huge welcome to Trusted Novus Bank

In June 2019, Hassans advised Rooke Investments Limited on the purchase of all the shares of Jyske Bank (Gibraltar) Limited, one of the...

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Hassans donates £35,000 in support of GHA workers

In support of the continuing demands being faced by the Gibraltar Health Authority, Hassans has made a £20,000 donation to the GHA...

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Gibraltar Law Update – COVID-19

Gibraltar is adapting quickly to the difficulties we are facing and businesses and Her Majesty's Government of Gibraltar are introducing...

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UK Gambling Commission issues (another) record fine in war against VIP schemes as new industry code takes shape

In a further escalation of its ongoing war against VIP schemes, the UK Gambling Commission has fined Caesars Entertainment a record £13...

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Directors show confidence in bounce back from coronavirus pandemic by buying shares

Directors of Britain's biggest companies have been taking advantage of the stock market slump by purchasing shares in their own...

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Citigroup increases its investment in Komgo, a blockchain-based trade finance platform

Another week, another bank investing in distributed ledger technology. Societe Generale, Banco Santander, HSBC and Sveriges Riksbank have...

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STEP examines the issues re the preparation of wills

The STEP (The Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners) Discussion Forum has been examining the issues facing practitioners in the...

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Time to revisit predictions for the growth of the global video conferencing market

With the unprecedented and brutal changes to the working environment wrought by the spread of Covid-19, it is fair to assume that all...

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Is remote working here to stay, even post-Covid19?

At Hassans, we have enabled remote working for close to 200 employees in a matter of a couple of weeks.  We have moved very quickly to...

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Brief Notes on HMGoG Press conference relating to new measures for ‘Inactive Employees’

Please find below a very rough and contemporaneous note of key points emerging from the announcement of the 'inactive employee' measures...

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Force Majeure clauses – a new legal battlefield due to emerge in light of the COVID-19 emergency

Businesses around the world will be taking a closer look at the force majeure clauses in their contracts to assess their obligations in...

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Electronic Signatures – Valid Under Gibraltar Law?

In the attached article I explore the validity of using and accepting electronic signatures under Gibraltar Law. I hope this will assist...

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Gibraltar FSC Update on Covid 19

The Gibraltar Financial Services Commission ("FSC") has today issued an update on Covid 19 to locally licensed firms. The FSC's offices...

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Plug your grandparents into a PS4 (or a Switch) – video games are powerful allies in the fight against COVID19

As traditional sports come to a halt to limit the spread of COVID-19, several heads (naturally) turn to esports. At the end of the day,...

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How might COVID-19 change the world order?

China is moving swiftly to position itself as a leader amidst the chaos, especially with the US likely to be mired in the crisis at home...

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Social distancing need not bring business to a halt

As Italy yesterday overtook China as the global epicentre of deaths owing to the spread of COVID-19, more and more limitations are...

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Better Together – Open for Business

Thinking back to happier times, when we took our physical interaction (in that case [see photo below] for a wonderful human cause: the...

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Coronavirus and Commercial Property in Gibraltar

We explore some key issues relating to the impact of the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) on the commercial property sector in...

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Apple, Microsoft are like the ‘Rock of Gibraltar’ in this market – via Bloomberg

The Rock of Gibraltar has always been used as a symbol of strength and resilience. Such references have been made in all sorts of places,...

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Blockchain technology could save the air cargo industry $400 million per year

Businesses around the world are trying to manage the disruption caused by COVID-19. All types of business have been affected, from...

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Could a globalised system be the answer?

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown how interconnected the whole world has become, causing the spread of the virus in a matter of weeks. It...

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“Buy when there’s blood in the streets” – Warren Buffet

In such times of uncertainty the likelihood of making hasty investing decisions is at peak level. Should we sell and stay in cash until...

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Thoughts on COVID19 from Azeem Azhar

I have found that one of the best ways to focus my thinking on COVID19 has been to bring to an abrupt stop the initial position of...

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Hassans ranked top tier in Chambers Europe for 19 years running…

We, the Marketing team at Hassans, often wonder how repetitious it must seem for our clients to read 2/3 times a year about our...

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