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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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UK Government releases a consultation paper for future market access arrangements with Gibraltar.

On 11th March the UK Government released a consultation paper on proposals to introduce new market access arrangements for financial...

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Warren Buffet: “acquisitions are similar to marriage”

Every year the shareholders of Berkshire Hathaway receive an open letter from Warren Buffett, providing both an overview on Berkshire...

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Can blockchain create a more efficient supply chain?

Blockchain is transforming the supply chain from farm owners in Africa to buyers of diamond rings. It gives small businesses the ability...

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Five most important cannabis discoveries of 2019

The change in attitude towards cannabis and its uses as medicinal alternatives is having a massive effect on the research being...

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Budget 2020

Today the recently appointed UK Chancellor of the Exchequer will be delivering his first budget statement to the House of Commons. ...

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Power plant mines 5.5 BTC per day

Greenidge Generation, a natural gas power plant near the town of Dresden, New York, announced it had successfully installed a mining farm...

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Boeing is using blockchain to sell spare parts: will the idea take off?

The use cases for blockchain technology continue to grow as Boeing looks to use this innovative technology to further develop the...

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Why even staging the 2020 Games could be the biggest Olympic feat yet

As sporting event after sporting event is cancelled (or spectator participation at them curtailed), the focus is now on whether the Tokyo...

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Ethereum 2.0 is set to launch in July 2020

Ethereum 2.0 is set to launch in July of this year and it’s essentially the answer to the issue of scalability that has been plaguing the...

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The FCA issues statement on COVID -19 on Contingency planning

The UK FCA has announced that it is working with firms, HM Treasury and the Bank of England to review contingency plans for firms. The...

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Update: Changes to Local Insolvency Rules

An important change to the order of priority of payment by the estate of a Gibraltar company in the event of an insolvency was made by...

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Covid-19: Where do we go from here?

With the cause of this latest virus strain a subject of heated debate, what is clear is that our species is susceptible to the like. Some...

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Celebrating International Women’s Day 2020

On Thursday I had the pleasure of attending the GFSB Women in Business International Women’s Day Conference at the Sunborn. At the...

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No plans to ban electric scooters in Gibraltar

As previewed in the general election manifesto of the GSLP/Liberals in October 2019 and as confirmed by the Minister for Transport, Vijay...

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Hassans hosts talk to learn more about ‘Help Me Learn Africa’ charity

Last week, Hassans invited Louise Barea, founder of the Help Me Learn Africa charity, to come and speak to staff members about the work...

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Gibraltar Funds and Investments Association hosts its Annual Gala Dinner

The Gibraltar Funds & Investments Association (GFIA) Annual Gala Dinner took place last week. The event was extremely well attended as...

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When legal reality is more startling than fiction- Dubai royals, kidnap, exile, threats and women’s rights

The High Court today published a series of judgments regarding allegations made by Princess Haya Bint Al-Hussain against her former...

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Business Continuity Planning (BCP) – Covid-19

Plan for the worst and hope for the best, bearing in mind that no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. Things are bound to...

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New sentencing code unveiled in UK Parliament

A project underway since 2014 has delivered a Bill in the UK Parliament that aims to simplify sentencing practice.  With benefits for...

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New cannabinoid discovered by Italian scientists

A newly discovered cannabis compound has been shown in the lab to potentially be 30 times more potent than THC, the most studied...

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Are we there yet? When COVID-19 spoils your travel

Business and leisure travel plans are being waylaid by the daily developments surrounding the coronavirus. We all appreciate (and...

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Disrupting law firms proves difficult

"Atrium, a startup built with the object of driving better efficiencies and thereby, so went the plan, offering clients a more effective...

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India – Another important step forward for the future of cryptocurrencies

The crypto world is today rejoicing over a landmark ruling in India overturning a ban imposed on cryptocurrency trading in April 2018. By...

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Taking care of your staff’s mental health is a smart move

Mental health is a vital part of life, it has an impact on your thoughts, emotions and behaviour. It’s great to see that many businesses...

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Women in Gibraltar under-represented in law

The Gibraltar Ministry for Justice has recently confirmed that there are now 59 women at the Bar. This number represents 24% of the total...

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Email fraud

Further to the Moneyval Report published last month, the attached news report provides yet another example of the types of scams which...

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Time to pay attention to Psychedelic Medicine says The Motley Fool

As previously highlighted in other posts, investors should keep an eye out for stocks in the psychedelic medicine space. Mind Medecine,...

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Float or Flounder? Are Law Firms Right for IPOs?

With 6 law firms currently listed, and major players such as Mischon de Reya suggested to have been considering the possibility of...

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What does GMP mean?

GMP, EU-GMP, cGMP, GACP, "The Orange Guide", the list goes on. What do all these acronyms stand for and what is their use in the medical...

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Gibraltar – Small But Mighty

eToro are one of the many DLT businesses to have moved to Gibraltar to benefit from the regulatory certainty and pro business...

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