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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Importance of regulation

Appropriate regulation is extremely important. We are continuously reminded of this every time crypto exchanges and/or custodians...

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Selling Virtual Guns To Buy Real Ones – the issue of money laundering in video games

Just a few months after the episode concerning Valve's Counter Strike: Global Offensive (aka CS:GO), the videogames industry is once...

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Crisis Management, Resolution and Deposit Insurance – What is next and how to prepare?

I attended an excellent seminar delivered today by Seamus Hayes from the Gibraltar Resolution and Compensation Unit and Alex Kuczynski,...

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Which way is the world turning?

Thought-provoking article by Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic adviser at Allianz whom served as chair of President Barack Obama’s Global...

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Google’s data move highlights Brexit uncertainties

With the transitional period underway, Brexit continues to create uncertainties. Sources say that Google is planning on moving the data...

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Gibraltar as a jurisdiction of choice for a range of funds

Gibraltar remains an attractive centre for funds business which, during the emergence of crypto in the international financial services...

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Hassans to sponsor International Women’s Day event

Hassans is proud to be sponsoring the International Women's Day event hosted by the Gibraltar Federation of Small Businesses in support...

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Billionaire entrepreneur looks back on 16 years on the Rock

Ruth Parasol, a self-made billionaire businesswoman, marks her 16th anniversary on the Rock. In a rare interview with the Chronicle, she...

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Blockchain: The Revolution that hasn’t quite happened yet

I consider Blockchain technology to be potentially as disruptive as the internet. Many crypto pundits have likened Bitcoin’s bull run in...

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COVID-19 economic ripple effects begin to materialise

Conventional wisdom has long dictated that if the American ecomomy sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold. Now though, it is a...

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US Funds moving to Europe

Interesting to see that more and more US VCs are looking towards Europe.

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The O shaped lawyer – people first, then lawyers

Whilst it is a given that lawyers will have technical competence in their area of practice, we have been encouraged to also develop...

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DAC 6 – Changes to reporting where professional secrecy applies

Interesting to note the intended practical approach by Luxembourg to seek to address tensions between compliance with DAC 6 reporting...

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Everything you need to know about Gibraltar’s crypto ecosystem

Gibraltar was the first mover, after New York introduced the BitLicense, to introduce bespoke legislation to regulate the blockchain and...

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Gibraltar Gambling – proposed legislative and regulatory changes

Last week, HM Government of Gibraltar's Gambling Division circulated their much anticipated consultation paper on the proposed amendments...

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Gibraltar – Gateway to the UK market

Despite the uncertainty of Brexit, the UK's fintech industry has continued to grow which has led to a record amount of investment in UK...

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Rome was not built in a day…

The BBC article “Blockchain: The revolution that hasn't quite happened” may be aptly titled.  It is indeed the case that there has not...

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Challenging gender stereotypes

With International Women's Day a few weeks away, it is inspirational to see women challenging gender stereotypes.

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Creating a bespoke licensing and regulatory regime for Medical Cannabis in Gibraltar

As more and more jurisdictions around the world are softening positions in respect of the medical uses of cannabis-based products, so too...

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Strengthening professional ties between Gibraltar & London

Three weeks on from the formal departure by the United Kingdom and Gibraltar from the European Union, Gibraltar is building on the strong...

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ECOFIN publishes their re-listing decision

On reflection of the details relating to the decision, it appears that the move to blacklist Cayman Islands stems from delay in the...

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Registration of a Yacht Under Construction in Gibraltar

HMGoG’s Yacht Registration facilities provide a broad range of yacht registration services including general registrations, name changes,...

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“Super Thursday” – three new tax related provisions introduced by Gibraltar.

On Super Thursday, the 30th January 2020, HM Government of Gibraltar (HM GoG) published a number of important pieces of tax-related...

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In Perspective #4 – Anthony Provasoli

In this, our fourth In-Perspective interview, we speak to Anthony Provasoli, a Partner in Hassans’ Corporate & Commercial and Financial...

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Peace of Mind, Tax-Free Pensions & Sunshine All Year Long

Imagine a place that has all the cosy charm of traditional, small-town British life but still enjoys 300 days of sunshine on average per...

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The Legislative Reform Programme in Gibraltar – a success story

The Financial Services Act 2019 (“FSA 2019”) finally came into effect on 15th January 2020. It filled me with dread when I saw that it...

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Gibraltar’s Legislative Reform Programme (LRP) and Financial Services Act 2019

Gibraltar’s new Financial Services Act (“the Act”) and accompanying regulations (“the LRP Regulations”) will come into force on 15...

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Industry Update: Crowdfunding

On 18 December 2019, the European Parliament’s negotiating team reached a deal with the Council for the European Union on the...

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EU Prudential Supervision of Investment Firms

The European Parliament has approved legislation which will see new rules in relation to the prudential regulation of the majority of EU...

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In-Perspective Episode 3: James Lasry

,27/11/2019 Welcome to episode three of our In-Perspective series and to celebrate Thanksgiving, we have a very special guest, James...

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