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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Hassans launches the “Hassans Environmental Trust”

On Thursday 21st November, Hassans, in the presence of the Chief Minister Fabian Picardo and the Minster for Environment, Sustainability...

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Hassans launches Environmental Team and Environment Policy on World Environment Day

To mark UN World Environment Day 2019 on 5th June, Hassans has announced the formal establishment of a specialised legal team providing...

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Hassans’ Client “Tap Global” receives “In Principle Approval” from the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission

Tap Global Ltd (TAP) has been granted the in-principle approval of their DLT licence from the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission....

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Grahame Jackson discusses: The UK Double Taxation Agreement

On October 15th 2019, Gibraltar and the UK entered into a double taxation agreement. This was a landmark moment for Gibraltar and was one...

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Hassans joins global law firm network Legalink.

Hassans is pleased to announce its membership as part of the global law firm network Legalink. Legalink has a rigorous vetting process...

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In-Perspective #1 Nigel Feetham QC

Each month we will be meeting with lawyers from around the firm to provide a series of industry perspectives in relation to current...

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Hassans’ Client CEX.IO Granted A DLT Operator Licence

CEX.IO, the Gibraltar-based multi-functional cryptocurrency exchange, has recently received it’s DLT Provider’s Licence. The licence was...

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80 Years of Hassans

As part of our 80th Anniversary celebrations this year, we have created a mini documentary series reflecting on how Gibraltar has changed...

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EMIR REFIT – Impact on AIFs

This note sets out the application of EMIR and EMIR Refit to Alternative Investment Funds.   EMIR & EMIR REFIT Regulation (Eu) No...

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Category 2 status in Gibraltar

Gibraltar, strategically located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula, combines the Mediterranean climate and lifestyle alongside...

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Hassans to welcome MWG2019 delegates as silver sponsor of the major new biennial event for Gibraltar

The Gibraltar Port Authority and Petrospot, together with HM Government of Gibraltar, Gibraltar Maritime Administration and other...

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Data Protection and Privacy Law

Data protection, cybersecurity and privacy – these are the defining talking points of our age. They also represent the three biggest...

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Affordable Housing Allocations – Conveyancing

Are you ready if you get the call? Successful applicants for the Hassan Centenary Terraces affordable housing scheme will be contacted...

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Hassans’ partner Nigel Feetham appointed Queen’s Counsel

Nigel Feetham, Partner of Hassans, was appointed to the rank of Queen’s Counsel on Friday 5th April 2019. The appointment brings the...

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Chambers Europe launched today reinforces Hassans 17-year running streak as leading law firm in Gibraltar

Chambers Europe launched today reinforces Hassans 17-year running streak as leading law firm in Gibraltar Hassans continues to be...

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Hassans’ offices formally inaugurated by Chief Minister Hon Fabian Picardo QC MP

Hassans held a ceremony this evening for its staff to formally inaugurate the firm’s new home in Midtown, Queensway. The move to the top...

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Corporate Tax Guide – Chambers and Partners

Chambers Global Practice Guides provide in-house counsel with expert legal commentary on the main practice areas in key jurisdictions...

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MLD5: EU’s latest AML directive introduces cryptocurrency regulation

5th Money Laundering Directive – The European Union’s regulatory gaze begins to shift towards crypto-currency exchanges and custodian...

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Hassans maintains a 16-year running streak as leading law firm in Gibraltar

14 Feb 2019  Hassans continues to be considered at the top of its game by both local and international clients according to rankings...

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Hassans Announced As Major Partner To The Gibraltar 2019 NatWest International Island Games

The Organising Committee of the Gibraltar 2019 NatWest International Island Games isvery pleased to announce Hassans International Law...

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On Brexit, Insurance Industry Passporting, Gibraltar, Malta & Spain

Here is a Q&A on how I see the Gibraltar insurance sector as we approach 2019. What will the main impact of Brexit on the Gibraltar...

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Addressing and managing the inherent risks of token sales

In recent months a number of organisations have issued notices and guidance to the potential participants of ICOs, explaining the...

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Structuring an ICO in Gibraltar – Factors to Consider

The Government of Gibraltar has publicly announced its intention to introduce regulations relating to, amongst other things, the...

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Hassans ranked Tier 1 in Chambers’ FinTech: Professional Advisers Guide

Chambers and Partners has today launched their FinTech: Professional Advisers 2019 guide in which the two co-leads of Hassans’ 18-strong...

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Hassans advises on first regulated Gibraltar Experienced Investor Crypto Fund

Hassans has announced that it advised RockCyph3r Fund PCC Limited on the jurisdiction’s first Experienced Investor Fund (EIF) set up with...

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Hassans supports Gibraltar Finance, HMGOG, in bringing the Rock to the Start-up Nation

Hassans sent a delegation of nine Fintech specialists to Tel Aviv to represent the firm, and Gibraltar as a jurisdiction, at Gibraltar...

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Regulation of blockchain business – a jurisdiction comparison

Although the sector is growing rapidly, blockchain-related businesses are still largely unregulated in most countries. Sadly, in some...

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Hassans hosts MWG2019 delegates at a panoramic breakfast reception

Hassans hosted a breakfast reception on Thursday 27th June on the 12th floor terrace of its offices in the Madison Building, Midtown....

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Token sales and regulations in Gibraltar

Gibraltar’s stature as a leading global FinTech jurisdiction has taken another huge step forward this month with the publication of the...

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Gibraltar Crypto Funds

The Government of Gibraltar and the Gibraltar Financial Services Commission have recently reiterated their intention to make Gibraltar a...

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