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Hassans advises on Gibraltar’s first ever competition law claim.

Gibfibre Limited’s multimillion pound competition law claim against Gibtelecom & Rockolo is dismissed in its entirety. Today, the Supreme...

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Keeping It Civil: S1, Ep2 – Summer Student Programme

In our second episode, Partner Richard Buttigieg and Head of HR Richard Mor met with Selwyn Figueras to discuss the fortnightly summer...

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Silver linings: The strength of Gibraltar’s legislation.

A comprehensive overview on the Gibraltar funds industry was recently published by Hedgeweek.  My two-pennies worth (Pages 8-9) looks at...

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Upcoming Twitter Space on Zero Knowledge Proofs with Anish Mohammed

I am looking forward to co-hosting a Twitter Space this coming Thursday 23rd March with Anish Mohammed, Co-founder of Panther Protocol. ...

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Keeping It Civil: S1, Ep1 – IWD2023

Welcome to the first edition of our brand new podcast series, Keeping It Civil, which looks at legal, regulatory and current affairs...

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Local lawyers unite to drive #EmbraceEquity CTAs

Over 30 local lawyers in private practice joined forces at Hassans yesterday for a roundtable session to share experiences and create...

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Local lawyers unite to drive #EmbraceEquity CTAs

We hosted a really engaging roundtable at the end of last week as one of the final events of an extremely busy few weeks of IWD2023...

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Banking on Technology – Reflections in light of SVB

News of HSBC's strategic purchase of the UK arm of Silicon Valley Bank (without British taxpayer money and organised by the Bank of...

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A Primer on ERC-4337 w/ Mikko Ohtamaa

This week (07/03/23) I had the pleasure of co-hosting a Twitter Space with Mikko Ohtamaa regarding an exciting new development in the...

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Dear Daughter…

Co-written by myself and Fiona Young, as mothers of 13 year old girls, a letter to our daughters on #IWD2023 with the aim of helping them...

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Enforcement of English judgments in Gibraltar

A short but important judgment was handed down in the Supreme Court of Gibraltar today. The Court has confirmed that judgments of the...

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Turncoin’s STO goes live on INX.One

We are delighted to see that two of our clients, Turncoin and INX, have agreed to work together in a synergistic arrangement where both...

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An act of love – Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney

Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney - the former always necessary and the latter, frequently necessary at some point in our lives, but...

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Gibraltar Foundations emerge as strong ecosystem vehicles for DAOs

Last year I wrote a piece on how Gibraltar Private Foundations can serve as “off-chain” support vehicles for decentralised crypto...

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UK Law firm introduces Harvey, the chatbot legal assistant

The adoption of AI and recent media prominence given to chatbots such as ChatGPT has led some in the services sector to question whether...

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Are you a Gibraltar start up needing a leg up?

I am super excited to have been asked to be part of a Dragons' Den style event being ran by Denise Matthews and her team at Start Up...

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Stamping out archaic practices

Buoyed by news that the EU plans to launch a new and automated system later this year to keep track of third-country travellers entering...

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Setting up a business in Gibraltar

There’s never been a better time to set up a business in Gibraltar. Gibraltar continues to offer many advantages for entrepreneurs...

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Pep Pods: Crypto Questions with Cummings Pepperdine.

It was a true pleasure to speak with Claire Cummings at Cummings Pepperdine, a London based firm providing hedge funds advice on law, tax...

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Preparing for 2023 and beyond.

In the first session of Start Up Grind Gibraltar - "Preparing for 2023 and beyond" - I shared my thoughts on: the economic history of...

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Wills for Gibraltar Residents and Non-Residents

The Wills team at Hassans has produced a series of handy guides to Wills; why it’s critical to ensure your affairs are in order whether...

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Apple vs Android – does it matter?

I’m all about Apple. I am fully subsumed into the Matrix world of the Apple ecosystem and gleefully make monthly contributions to the...

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Duties owed by banks when implementing AEOI regimes like FATCA and CRS.

The Bulletin for International Taxation has published my article on duties owed by banks to vulnerable (or possibly all) clients when...

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Outlook for a non-negotiated outcome scenario

Interesting last line in the statement by the Government in the wake of the latest meeting of the non-negotiated outcome, in effect,...

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Where do we go from FTX?

Very interesting insights by David Canedo (via Bloomberg Tax) reflecting on some of the challenges with crypto tax reporting for 2022...

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Training Contract Scheme Applications now being accepted.

The application window for the Hassans' Training Contract Scheme 2023 is now open!Everything you need to know about what we're looking...

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Christmas Charitable Giving.

Looking good Hassans in support of Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save The Children!  A rainy but balmy 17 degs in Gibraltar, the annual...

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SAF Gibraltar Art Prize

Congratulations to all the finalists and many thanks to Sovereign for their hospitality at GEMA last night. The work displayed, produced...

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Hassans’ team ranked in Tier 1 Chambers FinTech for 5th Year running.

Anthony Provasoli, Aaron Payas and Vikram Nagrani on their recognition by Chambers and Partners in the FinTech Guide 2023 edition...

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M&A Outlook in 2023: Fancy buying a football club?

Following Chelsea F.C.’s (arguably unexpected) sale earlier this year, more recently Liverpool F.C., Paris Saint-Germain F.C., Manchester...

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Big Tech: The impacts of their entry and expansion in retail financial services

As multinational technology companies increase their presence within traditional financial markets, regulators have been forced to...

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